First Times

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Abhik shot up from his sleep at the noise of the alarm clock going off with a huge grin plastered on his face. Looking at the clock, he realized maybe he had woken up a bit too early but he could really care less. There was too much adrenaline rushing in his veins to get back to sleep.

After making his bed and making himself more presentable, he went to the kitchen for some coffee. He did not want to regret his impulsive decision later. You already know, being the early bird is a bit unnatural for him.

And then came the hardest part. Picking his outfit. You must be wondering why it is the hardest part, since he never really cared much about his appearance . Well, my friend this isn't just another day either.

Deliberating for half an hour, he stuck to his first choice- a pair of black jeans, a white t shirt and a leather jacket- all paired with black leather boots. Styling his hair, applying his most expensive perfume he was finally satisfied with how he looked.

"You can do this.", with the final words of affirmation to himself, he locked his apartment, took his bicycle out and started paddling his way to his destination.

Sounds like a date, doesn't it? If only......his love life is just as plain as a scone without jam and cream. 

Headphones plugged in and bobbing his head to the upbeat vibes, he rolled passed the cobbled streets of London, waving at random strangers. He was too happy, uncharacteristically happy.

He was not going to work, he had left it long back. Neither was it a weekend nor was he on a leave. But something was on for sure.

Suddenly he stopped in front of a building, taking a long hard look. Scanning it from top to bottom, he felt the corners of lips upturning...... until it wasn't, when his eyes fell on the lock.

Quickly taking out the phone out of his pocket, he dialed Alex's number and let the phone ring.

"Hmm?", came Alex's voice.

" Look, I cycled a long way....", Abhik stuttered a bit.

"AJ....what did you do...", Alex said in a worried tone.

"Nothing really", he assured.

"Get to the point young man", Alex was getting annoyed.

"The Shoreditch Treehouse is closed....", told Abhik.

Silence. You could hear a pin drop, as he waited for the reaction.


Startled at the sudden increase in volume, his phone fell from his hand, a small crack appearing on his screen.

Giving out a loud sigh, he picked it up. Alex had already cut the call. Contemplating his choices for a while, he shrugged to himself, got on his bicycle and went off. Where? He did not know. He lived life for the kicks, so he would let him pick his destination.

"AJ, what is wrong with you?", Alex asked, sarcastic curiosity lacing his words.

"Yeah yeah yeah, I am on my way. Five minutes, no two minutes. One second! I am coming.", Abhik replied, paddling faster than he ever had.

"Your time management skills are the worst I have ever seen. Either too early or too late. Extremes! Never on time!", he complained.

"Cut the call already. I am here.", saying so, Abhik somehow managed to lock his bicycle as he hurried into the same building he had stopped in front of that morning.

Musical Notes (The Last Page Series-2)Where stories live. Discover now