
15 4 3

It had been two days since that faithful note. 

50 missed calls, 100 texts and 0 replies.

Yes, Abhik had been ghosting Mia. Not the best option, he knew, but the easiest one for sure. 

He was confused. He was not sure about how he felt but he was sure that it wasn't like he did not feel anything at all. Love is complicated, and no one knew that better than him.

But Mia deserved an answer as well. He could not keep her hanging like that. It wasn't fair to her.

Staring at the blank screen of his phone he gave it a thought. It was as if he was in a daze which was broken when his phone suddenly lit up. It was a notification, another text from Pragyaparamita.

Mustering whatever courage he had, he opened her chat. Without bothering to read any of the messages he left one of his own. Wanting to ignore her replies to his text, he switched his phone off and went to work.

He had gotten a leave the day before for it was the day after his concert, so he was expecting a bit of celebration at the place. That would be a good distraction....for now.

"Hello?", Abhik's voice echoed through the dark room.

"Surprise!", he was startled by a confetti bursting as soon as the lights were turned on.

There stood Alex, producer, composer and his boss...all holding a cake.

Chocolate sponge cake with vanilla buttercream frosting, his favourite. This was probably the most delicious congratulations he had gotten.

Accepting a slice with a goofy smile he joined in on the celebrations. His eyes got its spark back as his heart filled with content. He felt like he had fulfilled a big mission in his life. 

A small part of him also wanted someone else to.....nevermind.

Taking a bite of the chocolatey goodness he frowned almost immediately. 

Walking up to Alex he asked,

"Who told?"

Alex looked at him like he had grown two horns.

"Who told this is my favourite flavour?", Abhik cleared his confusion.

Realization taking over his face, he replied,

"Why, Mia did. Apparently she knows more about you than I ever had the honour of.", he faked hurt.

Abhik rolled his eyes and looked at him amused. 

"She also told you are not talking to her. So...what happened?", Alex confronted.

Running his hand through his hair, Abhik groaned loudly.

"It is complicated."

This made Alex grin mischievously as he replied,

"Which love story isn't?"

"Oh shut up! You are making it worse", Abhik glared.

"No seriously though, what happened?", Alex turned serious.

Taking a deep breath, Abhik went on to explain whatever had been happening since the end of the concert till the morning.

"Wow...", Alex breathed out, "I do not get it, why won't you say yes?"

Abhik gave him an incredulous look.

"Are you mad?!"

"No, I am perfectly sane and reasonable. You like her, she likes you just go on a date."

"What makes you think I like her?"

"It is obvious, mate. You smile at the mere mention of her, you bring her up at almost every conversation, you turn into a tomato whenever you both meet-"

"Stop! Ok, I got it.", Abhik interrupted.

Alex raised his eyebrows

"Even if I did, I have already messed things up", he confessed

Alex stared at him like he wanted to smash the cake in his face.

"Don't look at me like that!", he exclaimed.

"You always mess up, it isn't something new.", Alex stated

"Thank you.", sarcasm oozed out of Abhik's voice.

"But you also fix it just as well. So go after her. Both of you deserve it.", Alex encourage, taking the soda class from Abhik's hand.

"Now go."

And he did not need to be told twice.

Repeating his apology speech under his breath, his opened the door to the starbucks cafe. His eyes scanned the counter but he did not see her.

Approaching the person at the cash register he asked about Mia's whereabouts.

"She's on break", was the only reply he got.

Disappointed, he left the place. He stood in front of the cafe, waiting for a bus. Suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder.

He turned around to only to be met with the sharp end of an umbrella dangerously close to his eyes.

"You!", shouted the holder of the weapon.

Abhik chuckled nervously.

"Hey Mia..."

"Hey Mia?!  That's what you decide to say after ghosting me! How dare you! Who do you think you are?!", she shrieked.

"Firstly, please put that away. I do not want to be blind, I am too young. I have a lot to see on this earth. And secondly, can we not do this here?", he requested.

Glaring at him, she dragged him to an empty alley right behind her workplace.

"Speak", she threatened.

"I am sorry. I know I should not have ignored you like that. I was nervous and...and confused. I had never been asked out before! I didn't know how to react!", he tried to explain himself.

Mia could feel a smile forming on her face but did not let it show.


"And...would you like to go on a date with me? Please?", Abhik asked hopefully.

Pretending to think for a while Mia finally nodded her head.

"Yes!", Abhik cheered as Mia let herself laugh.

"This is nice.", she commented looking around at the dimly lit cafe Abhik brought her to.

"I know right. It was the first food place I had come across when I moved here.", he said.

Popping a french fry in her mouth she replied,

"And the food is great."

Chuckling, Abhik responded,

"You should try the coffee here. Much better than starbucks."

"Those are tough words. I will believe only when I have it myself. Also, thank you for bringing me here.", she smiled shyly.

"Anytime.", he whispered as they both looked at each other with admiration in their eyes.


"Abhik", the oh-so-familiar voice called out.


A/N: Merry Christmas guys! I do not apologise for the cliffhanger, hehehe. Try to guess in the comments who you think it may be.

Musical Notes (The Last Page Series-2)Where stories live. Discover now