
22 4 1

"I have heard of gym dates, picnic dates, double dates, even impromptu dates. Never heard of a compensation date.", Mia sipped on her lemonade.

Abhik smirked amusedly, looking across the plain.

"You know, you are nothing like how that Subho told you were.", she continued, taking a seat on the soft grass.

"Acha?  What did he say then?", he looked at her with admiration. How the sun reflected of her glassy skin, how the wind swept her hair sideways, how.....Abhik shook his head and went back to focusing on what she was saying.


Mia stirred the drink with her straw, causing the bubbles to rise up and pop.

Looking wistful she said,

"You were very social. You were like a family member to the, what was it, Sen family. But you and Oindrila couldn't be because......"

The crunch of dried leaves when people walked over it was the only sound heard.

"Doesn't matter. That was the past.", Abhik acted nonchalant.

"It does. Those kind of thoughts are very cheap."

Abhik glared at her slightly,

"Maybe it seems so to you, but you need to understand it from their point of view. No one would want their accomplished daughter to be with a man who does not even have a proper job."

Mia cowered down a bit, making Abhik's facial features soften.

"And think about it, if that never happened we would have never met."

That made Mia smile.

"We wouldn't want that now would we?", she asked teasingly.

"Cheers to that.", they clanked their plastic cups in mock seriousness and fell in fits of giggles.

"So what was it you wanted to tell me?", Abhik asked as their laughter died down.

"Ohh, yes. Remember when we met? My best girl friend's wedding? She's is having an Indian wedding and you and Alex are invited.", she revealed.

"Inviting or hiring?", Abhik raised his eyebrow, a smirk dancing on his lips.

"Inviting for sure. Then I won't have to pay you for singing.", now it was her turn to smirk.

"Very clever"

"I know"

Both laid down and stared up at the clear blue sky.

Abhik turned to look at Mia,

"You never dreamt of making it in the music industry?"

Mia only gave a soft smile and said,

"I am going to complete my first dream before anything else."

Abhik frown deepened, "What's that?"

Mia couldn't help get exasperated. 

 She stood up, blocking the sun rays from falling on him, her arms crossed against her chest.

"I have told you about a million times. You should know this by now"

Abhik followed her suit and stood up, towering over her.

"Just say it again.", he flailed his hands around

She rubbed her fingers against her chin, as if contemplating her choices.

After a minute or so, she looked at him with eyes twinkling with mischief. But what she did next was a surprise to say the least

Musical Notes (The Last Page Series-2)Where stories live. Discover now