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______ " i never thought
you'd happen to me "

he fell first
unresolved crushes
denial is a funny thing
childhood friends to lovers
childhood "rivals" to lovers

MAIA HOANG and OSCAR PIASTRI were inseparable growing up, but not in the way you'd think. the two weren't glued to the hip because they got along-even though they did-but rather so that they could compete over pointless things. who can read a book faster, who can get a better grade on a test, who can shoot the most hoops. everything was a game to the two, always and everyday. when one of them won the challenge of the hour, the other was ready to propose a new one for the two to bet on.

that was how it was for the two of them, that was how they worked. it was a good system, and a good friendship-if they dared to call it that. however, when oscar left for europe to pursue his dream in karting, maia was left with nothing but her studies, and subpar friends who wouldn't match up to her little academic rival.

she'd never say it out loud, but she knew deep down that she missed oscar sometimes. when she would be studying in her university's library, wishing someone would tap her should and say "let's see who can memorize all the terms the fastest, yeah?" or toss her a note in the middle of a lecture with the words bet you some macca's that you can't answer more questions than me this lesson. it was just plain fun, but she didn't have oscar anymore, and she'd have to deal with it.

not that she liked him or anything, she knew that too.

though, what she didn't know was that at the premiere of her big break, she'd see that same familiar face again after all these years, and her memories of a scrawny kid from junior high would resurface like waves crashing on the shore.

22 | libra | actress / environmental science major

" my greatest memory from juniorhigh is probably when i got a grade higherthan you during that maths test youwere so stressed about "

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" my greatest memory from junior
high is probably when i got a grade higher
than you during that maths test you
were so stressed about "

insta, maiahoa_ng | twitter, maiahoa_ng
finsta, ohmaimaimai

22 | aries | formula 1 driver

" i'm pretty sure that semester you hada pretty shit grade in english though,am i right? "

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" i'm pretty sure that semester you had
a pretty shit grade in english though,
am i right? "

insta, oscarpiastri | twitter, OscarPiastri
finsta, icouldvebeenamechanic

22 | cancer | psychology major

" you can't just drop the bomb on me thatyou used to be friends with oneof the hottest guys in formula one!  "

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" you can't just drop the bomb on me that
you used to be friends with one
of the hottest guys in formula one! "

insta, angiedelrey | twitter, angiedelrey



left my new jeans era a long time ago but i still think about hanni every day ++ don't pay attention to their zodiac signs too much, i know nothing about astrology i just thought it looked cool 🤗

also maia and angela being uc irvine students is totally not me manifesting that i get in when i'm able to apply haha....of course not....

also, shout out to raeyaliln422 for inspiring this with her awesome enemies to lovers lando fic 🥹 gonna give the rivals trope a try, lets hope it writes well 🙏🙏

xoxo, cas

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