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THE hotel lobby wasn't as busy as it could have been, considering it was 11 PM and most people were already in their rooms. Either that, or the patrons of the hotel were surely out in the city, eating rich foods or splurging on different forms of luxury at whatever stores were still open to shop at.

"Can you thank your driver for me?" Maia asks as they both make their way to the elevators. "I feel so bad that we left him out there so late."

"Yeah, of course," Oscar responds, making a mental note to send Joshua a text later.

Maia's kindness was somewhat unexpected, considering the way that she had greeted him the first time that he reached out to her. Nevertheless, it was still admirable, since she seemed to always be thinking about others before herself. He had overheard her asking the crowd of fans earlier if they had eaten and to get some rest, and it was so soothing to hear the same caring voice he remembers from when he was younger once again, just a bit deeper from age.

And yes, caring, because even Maia had her moments in their mischievous years.

After entering the elevator section of the lobby, Oscar presses the 'Up' button on the wall with a soft click.

When he turns around, he sees Maia trying to maintain balance on one foot, kind of like a baby flamingo.

"What are you doing?" He asks, trying to stifle a laugh.

"Taking..." She successfully unbuckles one of her heels, and rips it off. "my heels off." Maia unbuckles the other heel, snatching it off with the same amount of grace she gave the first. She sighs in relief, holding the two heels in one hand. "My feet are dying."

"Need me to carry you?"

Sometimes the things Oscar says just roll out of his mouth, no way of stopping them or catching them before they escape. For all the media training he's had for McLaren and PREMA, he's found his weakness in Maia, and it might be killing him.

"Absolutely not," she says defensively, moving a strand of her dark hair out of her face.

Oscar chuckles and takes in the sight of Maia slightly disheveled and messy, almost like the scene would slip from his view any minute.

Logan was right, he should compliment her. Not only because it would catch her off-guard, but also because...

Maia flips her hair over her shoulder, adjusting one of the straps of her little corset top. She takes a deep breath with her chest rising and falling and the jewelry she's wearing shining just right in the light. Silver compliments her well, but he's sure she must look good in anything.

✓ | UNTIL THE SONG WAS DONE, oscar piastriWhere stories live. Discover now