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LOREN is the first of his sisters to arrive, and she's always been something of a shadow for Oscar ever since they were little. But, even so, he could never be mad at her for it. She's the youngest of his sisters, after all, and his mom used to tell him that her following him around was a sign that she looked up to him.

So, it's no surprise that, when they finally get home from her flat near her university, the first thing the pair of Piastri siblings do is sit down together on the couch and take turns playing F1 22 on their console, since Oscar hadn't gone out of his way to buy the latest version yet.

He's gotten P1 in Silverstone, Monaco, and Baku and, while it was a decent amount of wins, Oscar's about to be matched up by Lori if she manages to maintain her top spot driving around Las Vegas. She had already won in Montreal and Bahrain, which was impressive for someone who doesn't spend much time playing racing games in the first place.

'Extensive usage of the wheel-controller on the Wii,' is what she gives her racing credit too—as if her own race car driving brother didn't exist and wasn't sitting right next to her.

It's not long before she finds herself at Turn 9, where she'd been struggling for most of her laps, and she puts it in the wall.

Oscar lets out a laugh as Lori sits with her jaw dropped.

"That's such a shit corner. That's not fair!" She whines, smacking his leg with the controller.

He continues to laugh through his pain, and gives her a light push. "Don't take your anger out on me just because you can't turn properly!"

"How am I supposed to turn when it's a 90-degree angle?" She asks exasperatedly.

"Not even," Oscar shakes his head as he takes the controller from her hands.

His parents' home had not echoed with the laughter of their children in so long, but as Oscar and Loren's childish bickering and booming laughs bounce off the walls, it's a good reminder for Oscar that his childhood home is a great place to be.

"Hit pause, I'm gonna grab a snack," Loren requests, getting up from her spot on the couch as Oscar changes the screen to the Main Menu.

For a while, he only hears the rustling of chip bags and the clattering of snacks landing in a bowl, and he would kill the preparation time by texting someone, but his phone had been particularly dry since yesterday.

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