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THE Flagstaff Gardens of Melbourne have always been a nice place to walk around, but it's a much different, worser feeling when you've just had a more-than-interesting night when it was meant to be fun.

Maia didn't sign up for weird, entitled fans who think they have a say in Oscar's relationships, did she?

Where did that start, anyway? Who was the person that made these people believe that they had any control over who their favorite drivers hang out with?

She's not a bad person, or at least she hopes she isn't and tries not to be. So, why is she taking each step down the line wondering what she did wrong, when she had done nothing at all?

Maybe that girl back in the restroom was trying to warn her somehow, to ensure her safety and advise her to avoid the bad fans who are talking horrible things about her and Oscar.

That's a stretch, but it could be true, right?

"You've been quiet," Oscar says, making Maia's eyes go wide and spin around to look at him.

He'd been walking behind her, a small bit of distance between the both of them as she hustled her way through the park—even though she had specifically said she wanted to 'walk.'

"Have I?" Maia sighs, putting a hand up to her forehead. "Sorry, didn't mean it."

She stays in place while Oscar approaches her, his hands in his pockets and smiling. "You don't have anything to apologize for," he then wraps his arms around her, warmth encapsulating her in a way that makes her feel safe. "What's on your mind?" He asks, words muffled by his face being buried into her hair.

Not to be forward or anything, but Maia would totally let him kiss her right now if he wanted to do it, but, instead, she opts to return the hug and shake her head. "Nothing, just wanted some air."

"You're saying that as if you weren't just trekking through the park like you're the Terminator," Oscar says with a hint of laughter in his voice. "Do you want to talk about what's up?"

In the moment, Maia can't help but wonder if Oscar, with or without her, ever has to deal with anyone saying stupid things to him, in person or online. She's had to deal with some people herself, but rarely ever so.

Is this where it starts? People getting picky about the both of them solely because they're together?

"It's stupid."

✓ | UNTIL THE SONG WAS DONE, oscar piastriWhere stories live. Discover now