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"IF I'd been told Formula 1 was this crazy, I would have started paying attention way sooner!" Maia reels, taking in the information Oscar had just dropped on her as they gossip over their lunch meals.

See, while Oscar does talk when on the paddock or on the track, he apparently doesn't talk enough to escape the 'quiet introvert' title he's claimed against his will. Such a thing has its ups and downs, but one of the 'ups' was how much people trusted him with random information—and since Maia didn't particularly give a damn about Formula 1 anyway, he figured it'd be fine if he fulfilled his promise of driver drama and let a few things slip.

"Well, now you know," he nods, crumbling the paper cover of his now-finished chicken wrap. "And this whole thing is just between us, okay?"

Maia had long-ditched the purple sweater she wore at the start of the flight, and let loose her hair from those cool little side buns she wore them in before even leaving the hotel. Oscar had done the same, removing his hoodie and revealing his white T-shirt underneath, almost matching with Maia's tank-top.

She puts her head on the top of her palm, leaning over the table and over her Caesar salad. "If someone asks me, I promise to say that I have no clue," she affirms, earning a smile from the driver now opening up his water-bottle.

"Good. That's just what I want to hear," he jokes, taking a sip.

It's the fourth hour of the flight, having killed a good chunk of time talking, which now leaves only about eight hours before they land in Los Angeles—and Oscar has learned that eight hours is, in fact, not actually a very long time.

"You guys should make a reality show," she proposes as she picks up her fork to pierce a few pieces of lettuce.

Oscar lowers the bottle and tightens the cap again. "We do have one," he replies simply, and Maia gasps like the new information is the best discovery in modern-day history.

"Where can I watch it?"

"Netflix. Be wary though, some of it is played up for the content," Oscar reminds.

As Maia lets a small 'okay' out, Oscar pulls out his phone and sees a few unread messages from Lando and Logan—no doubt curious about his traveling with Maia—and a couple E-Mails he'll have to look at later.

Off-season was always quiet for him, or it was usually, at least. He tends to never even really post anything or do much, focusing on spending time with family and friends with the occasional catching up on the video games he likes to play.

✓ | UNTIL THE SONG WAS DONE, oscar piastriWhere stories live. Discover now