Marylin's bet (2007)

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A 17 year old Marylin Schmidt lost a bet with her friends at school and has to spend five nights at the abandoned Rowboatics factory where her mother (Mary) use to work at.

Netty: Hey Marylin, are you there?

Marylin: Yeah

Netty: LOL! You lost the bet, you know what that means right?

Marylin: No?

Netty: You have to spend five nights in that old abandoned factory again or else people will think you're a chicken, scared?

Marylin: Are you fucking crazy?

Netty: LMFAO!

Marylin: Fine! I'll do it!

Marylin was later surrounded by the darkness within the abandoned factory, the only light coming from her cellphone.

She checked the cameras on an old tablet and noticed nobody around until one of the animatronics showed up, Candy The Cat's twin sister Cindy.

Cindy was broken, her right eye, left cheek, parts of her right arm, left leg and right side of her body were gone, she looked like a mess.

She was the only animatronic in the factory (for now) so it was pretty easy to avoid her until 6am by watching her, and ringing the phones around the factory by pressing the phone buttons.

On the second night, Chester appeared, his eyes, left ear and a part of his right arm were gone but he didn't look too damaged, he appeared to only to try and get in though the vents to the security desk, however Marylin uses the buttons triggering one of the phones to ring making Chester run away, so it was also easy to avoid him.

On the third night, Candy and the Penguin appeared, Candy was also broken just like his sister but a bit more damaged.

His left eye is gone, exposing the endoskeleton eye, he's also missing the white part of his left ear and parts of the left side of his head, his right arm's covering is nearly gone, while parts of his upper left arm is exposed, some of his tie and most of the lower half of his belly is also gone, his upper left leg appears to be missing part of its covering too, truly messed up.

As for the Penguin, he didn't look that bad, just that his eyes and beak were gone including his forehead and looks burned or something.

Candy functioned the same as his sister Cindy, trying to get inside the office only to be distracted by the ringing phones and Marylin watching him until his disappeared to another room.

As for the Penguin, he appears on one of the cameras, taking up the entire screen, he will disable the camera monitor and forces them to restart it.

However Marylin easily avoids them just like the others until 6 o'clock in morning.

Nothing else happens on Night 4 until Night 5 when Blank arrives in a more disrepaired state

Marylin tries to avoid them as usual until 6am and when it was over, Marylin won the bet with her friends

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