😱Panic attack😱

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I was in the gym with Javon, Nat and Jayla.

Javon and Nat were fighting me and Jayla were watching them.

They were just practicing or whatever you like to call it. Or do you say training? Idk

They were training for a good 2 hour now. I was sitting there with Jayla just watching my phone. Sometimes looking up to admire Javon cause he looks hot with no shirt on and with wet hair. Omg he looks super hot.

DJ would come down sometimes check up on them and yeah.

,,Okay last round, you ready Wanna ?" Nat asked getting in position.

Javon just nodded getting ready too.

There were doing their thing until I noticed something on Wanna.

He wasn't doing well.

He was really unfocused for some reason and he started to lose his speed and balance.

,, Nat can you stop for a second ?" I asked her getting up.

,, I'm gonna go drink something, you coming Nat ?" Jayla asked walking upstairs.

Nat nodded and followed her.

Javon wanted to take his boxing gloves off but he obviously couldn't so he got a little frustrated.

,, Okay hang on I'll help you" I said smiling a little, helping him with the gloves.

Right after that he placed his hand on his chest and started stoking it.

He looked around the room like he was panicking.

,, You good baby ?" I asked going closer to him placing my hand on his chest.

,, Wanna ?" I asked because he didn't answered.

,, I-I can't b-breathe" he whispered slowly, still having his hand on his chest.

I got goosebumps when he said that. Like the blood ran through me.

,, Okay relax, come to the fresh air" I said gently taking his hand taking him to the window to open it.

We were standing under the window as the cold air came in.

,, Is it better ?" I asked kinda scared for his answer because if he says no I don't know what to do.

He nodded his head in a no meaner.

He sat down on the floor still having this scared look on his face.

,, Wanna what happened? Did you get hurt ?" I asked putting a hair behind my hair.

He didn't answered.

,, E-Emily, I'm scared " he whispered.

My heart broke into peaces. I need to help him in some way. Even though I don't know how.

I sat in his lap putting my hand on his chest.

,, Copy my breathing ok?" I asked.

He looked into my eyes and slowly started to breathe like I do.

,, Just like that, in and out " I said holding onto his face.

When he calmed down he burried his head into my chest.

Taking deep breaths. He was hugging me so strongly like he was scared I'd be disappearing any moment.

I kissed his head multiple times while stoking it.

,, Everything's gonna be okay " I whispered to him.

Letting him know that I'm here and that it's over.

Javon Walton imagines ❤️Where stories live. Discover now