December: Freshman year

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"Kim!" Kat came running from down the stairs and quickly headed to Kim and Kyran who sat in the kitchen. "Yea?" She turned around to her sister. "So I was doing a bit of research and I found the girl." She said. Kim raised a brow. "What girl? And why are you stalking people?" She asked. Kat frowned at her sister. "No no! The ghost from Michaela's house!" She exclaimed. Kim's eyes widened. "Is Michaela's house haunted or something? Why are y'all talking about ghosts?" Kyran asked. Kim turned to Kat. "It says June 7, 2017, there was a massive car accident involving a Jeep and a semi truck where onlookers described it as suicide. But all of a sudden the Jeep started speeding down the highway and allegedly lost control before spiraling and clashing head on with the semi. A fiery explosion completely destroyed the vehicle and killed two people inside while the trucker sustained major injuries. A young 13 year old 8th grader named Jasmine Freer and her father, 37-year-old Duong Freer. It is still a mystery as to why the Jeep began to speed in the first place but there was allegedly a third unknown passenger. The case is still under investigation." Kat told her. "Oh my god, that is terrible." Kim covered her mouth in shock. "I was just watching a ghost movie and was reminded of her." Kat said. She walked fully into the kitchen and grabbed a cup out of the cabinet. "A ghost? Where? What mischief have you cloddish girls been up to?" Kyran asked. "Not much recently. And by recently I mean the past two days. But before that when we stayed with Michaela we discovered her house is haunted." Kat said and opened the fridge before pouring herself some orange juice. "What?!" Kyran raised a brow. "You wouldn't have survived a day! Or well it wasn't until our third day that we've been told to get out physically but that doesn't mean we haven't seen shadows." Kim added. Kat slid her a glass of juice and Kat put hers down. "Well good thing I don't have any plans on going to her place any time soon. She's a scary woman, so hearing about ghosts in her place does not surprise me as much as it should." He said. "Well were hella thankful you took us in. I don't think I could stay another day there. Next time I hear about a haunted house, I'm staying clear." Kat said. "I'm not even sure anyone would stay a night in a haunted house. Don't know how Michaela handles it." Kyran agreed. Kim supped her juice. "Now I have a thought. Ghosts possess where they die. That girl died in a wreck. Why was she at Michaela's house?" Kim asked. Kat shrugged. "Don't ask me. Ask it." Kat said. Kim hushed. "Well I don't want to start off the day with extra anxiety knowing there's ghosts around; so what do you girls want for breakfast?" Kyran asked. "Breakfast sandwich!" Kat exclaimed. "Breakfast pizza!" Kim furrowed her brows at her younger sister. Kat crossed her arms. Kyran looked at them. "Cereal it is." He sighed at the indecisive sisters. Ding ding dong. Kat looked at the door. Kyran went to the door before she could. It was Valerie. "Hey! Kyran-kun! I have some cool stuff!" She said gleefully. She held two boxes. "Hey Val!" Kat called to her. "May I come in. I have a few things." She said. "Of course." Kyran welcomed her. Valerie sat down at the kitchen table and put the boxes on it. "I'm sorry that I couldn't take Kim and Kat to my place the other day. My dad came home from departure and my mom really missed him. And they're reunion kept my brother and I up all night. And the night after. So after all the stress of last night I didn't want them to keep you awake." She apologized. "Oh.. you didn't have to tell us that. But that's not a problem. Kyran helped us feel welcomed and we slept well." Kim said. "I was talking to my parents earlier and they agreed that it was okay if you had chosen to stay with us for a while. You can spend the night whenever you need to.Or move in today if you want." Valerie said. "Great. We didn't completely unpack and we can head over to your house." Kim said. "So we're staying at Valerie's place?" Kat asked. "Yup. My parents said it's okay for you to stay for as long as you need." Valerie nodded her head. Kyran's gaze flicked nervously as he looked at the girls. "They can stay here another night. I'm sure it would be hard for your parents to take care of you, your brother, and them. I don't mind having them here." He said. "It's okay. I know how quiet you are and how much you love your privacy and your terrariums and I know how loud the girls are." Valerie said. Kyran's big eyes looked sad. "What's wrong?" Kim asked him. "It's okay if you choose to stay with Valerie." He said sadly. Kat's brows furrowed. "Tell us what's wrong. We don't want to leave you here sad." Kat put her arm around his shoulder. Kyran started to tear up. "I don't want you to leave. It's lonely here by myself. My parents don't come by that often. Only on the weekends. I like your company and having you around. I want you to stay and live with me." He wiped a tear as it escaped his eye. Kat's face softened. "I thought they came by more often. I didn't know you were lonely." She said. "I was lonely before I met you. Having no friends and coming home to nobody. I like your company. Please stay." He begged. Valerie smiled at him. "Do you want to? You're the ones who are homeless." Valerie said. "We need parents and someone to help take care of us." Kim said. "Kyran- kun didn't say that his parents didn't come at all. I think you both need company. Get to know each other more." Valerie said. "I want to stay here. Kyran's cool and I don't want to leave him alone." Kat said. Kim grabbed Kat by the arm and whispered in her ear. "Kat, we are orphans. We don't have parents. We are only fifthteen. We need someone to take care of us. Someone more responsible than each other. I can't bear the pressure of parenting you when I'm less than a month older than you. We should move in with Valerie." She whispered sternly. "Her dad is in the military. He isn't going to be there very often. So on the days where it's just her mom and she has to take care of two kids plus two kids she doesn't know, what do you think she's going to do? She will send us to a foster home because she can't take care of us. Kyran will keep us here. And when his parents visit they'll know us and won't have to know the truth about our parents. We can trust Kyran to keep our secret but if Valerie's mom can't take care of us after her dad leaves, she'll tell. I'm staying here." Kat said loudly. "And my brother is disabled so it would be hard for her to take care of you. But my mom isn't a snitch. She'll just try to find your family." Valerie said. "If we had family then we would have stayed with them. But we lost all communications with them." Kim said. "I want to stay with you." Kim said to Valerie. "But I'm staying with Kyran and I won't change my mind about it." Kat said. "Fine. I guess we're staying in different places." Kim said. Kat's eyes widened. "We can't split up! We need each other! We only have each other. When Rainbow, Wenny, and Allen come over for the weekends are you going to make them choose where to go? I trust Kyran. And he's older and responsible. He wouldn't let us down and get stressed. And we can care for ourselves pretty well." Kat said. Kim gave Kat a side eye and smiled. And there has to be some reason the ghost wanted us to come here specifically. "She has a point. Your siblings wouldn't want you to break up. Nor would your parents. Wherever they are, they'll want you to be together." Valerie said. "I wouldn't leave you. That's not who I am. And you make a point. Two points actually. And I guess it's time for me to grow up and become responsible. For the both of us. I need to learn how to take care of myself." Kim sighed. "So can we please stay here. I feel much more safe with Kyran rather than getting to know the etiquette and manners of another family and Valerie's culture." Kyran smiled at Kat's words. "It looks like you're going to live here for a long time. So you really should unpack like it's been your home for years." Valerie said. She took a knife from Kyran's kitchen and opened a box. Out came a big plastic thing. Kat looked at it. "What's that?" She asked. "Well I had brought over some air mattresses. My mom said I could. We can make your beds in your room and make it a proper bedroom instead of you sleeping on the couch." Valerie said."You know, there'll be more space in the room if they have bunk beds." Kyran said."I call top bunk! I'll sleep up high. There's good air up high." Kat said. Kyran led the girls to the spare room and two days after they moved in they were finally getting into the spare room. "And you know if you need anything else just come to me. Oh here." She gave Kat a black key card. That's the card to something very special in my house. Don't lose it. I trust you to get anything you need out of it. But don't lose it."...

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