November: Freshman year

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Kyran sighed in disappointment. It was lunch time. "I wonder if my parents realize they forgot to pack my lunch." He muttered. "Ky, you should start making your own lunch. I'll help." Kim told him. "Kim, please don't cook. He's better off with delivery." Kat said. Senpai walked past Kyran and giggled. "You're not really going to eat that stuff, are you?" He asked. Kyran ignored him but sighed. Amity walked up with Senpai. "That's gross. That's why it's beneficial to bring your own food." She laughed and showed off her fancy lunch box. On the inside was pho and spring rolls. "Amity, stop flaunting your food. It's all fun and games until it goes bad." Michaela said. Amity shrugged her shoulders and went off to eat with her friends. But before she left she gave Senpai a very friendly look and smiled. He looked back at her with a weirded out expression. "At least it didn't escalate." He said. "Usually you girls go back and forth. You hate each other and it's only been two months since school started. You two are my friends and I hate seeing you two argue." Senpai said as he sat down with a sandwich. "Don't worry about me and Amity. It'll all be over soon." Michaela hid a smirk. "What do you mean by that?" Kim asked. "I plan on stopping our fighting by simply ignoring her." Michaela said. "Sure. At least there is no argument today." Kim shook her head. Kat nodded in agreement. But only minutes later there was a series of ugly coughing coming from Amity. Her friends laughed at her but when they realized it didn't stop they became more concerned. "Are you alright?" A guy patted her back. Amity quickly got up from the table and immediately threw up. Some nearby teachers saw her and took her away to the nurse. Kat watched with concern and worry."Is she sick or was she choking?" She asked.Kim shrugged her shoulders. "Is she allergic to something? I have never seen her react to food like that before." Kim says. "I know Amity. She has no allergies, that's why she loves food so much and likes to try new things. She can't be allergic to it. Besides, she's had pho before." Valerie said as they took her away. "Maybe she was just choking." Kyran shrugged. "What if she has to go to the hospital?! What if she faints because she can't breathe?! What if-" Kim's rambling was cut off by Senpai. "I've known Amity for a while. She's strong. She'll be alright." He said. "Yeah, don't worry about Amity. We'll see her again soon." Michaela muttered darkly. Kat raised an eyebrow but didn't question it. Michaela usually had a deep voice. Amity will be fine. But there was just something about that sick, dark, and desperate coughing that gave Kat chills...

They were wrong. Kat and her friends haven't seen Amity since November 1 and it's been over a week. Maybe it was bad and she's in the hospital. But after seeing how much happier Michaela was and knowing that she was into dark humor and shows and how much she hated Amity, Kat was suspicious. But she had no proof...

Knock Knock. It was Saturday afternoon. "Hello?" Kat said when she looked out of the window. She saw two men in blue. Kat cautiously opened the door. The only visitors were delivery men and Valerie. Never police. "Greetings ma'am. Are your parents home?" Officer 1 asked. She read "Chief" on his badge. Kat's heart dropped. "No sir. They.. are.. on a business trip." She lied. "Oh. Is there someone here to take care of you? Like a legal guardian?" The other officer asked. Kat looked around the house. Kim came downstairs and saw the two men. "Um. Our grandparents come around a few times but we are mostly on our own." Kim said. "But I'm the oldest. Do you need anything?" She asked with a stern voice. "Yes. We have had a few complaints surrounding your school. Victory high school. We need for you to come down to the station and answer a few questions regarding the school safety." Officer 2 said. "Oh that wouldn't be a problem. We can go now after I change into my day clothes." Kim said. "Okay do you ladies have any transportation to get there?" The Chief asked. Kat shook her head. "We don't have licenses. We take Ubers and walk to school." Kim answered. "How about we take you. It's dangerous around here with all of these sudden missing and murder cases about girls. We can wait outside for you." He said. "Thank you. We'll be out in five to ten minutes." Kim said before closing the screen door. "That was close." Kat said. "Yeah it was but why couldn't you think of an excuse?" Kim asked. "I don't know. I guess I just freaked out at talking to the police. It scared me." Kat said. "Well let's hope you don't freeze up in the investigation room."... "Kyran?!" Kim said excitedly. He stood in the corner by himself reading a book. The lobby of the police station was filled with freshman. They must be doing different days for each grade. Kim walked up to Kyran and gave him a hug. Why not? Kat joined them. Kyran's heart rate was beating quickly like he was nervous but the longer they hugged him it slowed down because he was more comfortable. "Do you know what we are all doing here?" Senpai asked as he joined them with Mason and Valerie. "No but I was told we are taking some kind of safety survey about the school." Kim said. "Why?" Valerie asked. Kim shrugged. "I haven't heard of anything bad happening around the school." Mason said. "Neither have I. Maybe there's something wrong in the other grades." Kat shrugged. "Attention!" An officer yelled. All of the chattering calmed down until it was silent. "Victory High freshman, we are breaking you up into smaller groups and then taking you all to different rooms." He said. A girl officer came towards Kat. "Alright, good. You three are already in a group. I'm going to find a few more students to go with you." She said pointing to Kat, Kim, and Kyran. "Follow me and we'll head out to a room with a few more kids. Your friends can't come with us." She said sternly. "This is s- sc-scary." Kyran stuttered. "I know. But it won't be long. It's just a survey. We'll be finished in no time." Kim reassured the nervous boy. The officer picked up ten other kids and let them into a room. There were tables set up like a classroom. "Sit where you feel most comfortable." She ordered. Kat sat in the second row in front of the board. It had 9 different questions on the board. Kyran sat next to her and Kim sat next to him. "Now I know y'all are nervous and don't know why y'all are there. Y'all are here because there have been reports of students going missing and murders of young children around the city. One of them was in broad daylight. Amity's food was found to have arsenic in it. A huge and dangerous amount. Someone planned on killing her and got exactly what they got. Amity died hours later at the hospital. Four of them were freshmen and three were sophomores and juniors. We don't know who is targeting these children but we are currently looking for clues. There has also been an increase of violence in the school. Fights happened daily and a teacher took their own life after a group of his students broke into his home and killed his pregnant wife and son. A few students have left because the parents do not feel safe. And a girl was sexually assaulted by a gym teacher who have also been fired recently. And Victory is the only school in Vancouver that has been having these problems of violence. We would like some input on the situation and how you feel." The officer said. "What?! This is true? I thought they were all rumors." Kyran gasped. "I haven't even heard of some of these stories. I know about the two teachers and lack of staff but not about the murders." Kat said. The officer went around and passed out numbered papers and pencils. "I will read the questions on the board and you will write your answer on the paper. "Please write your full name, date, grade, and home room teacher. Question 1. Do you know Amity Hurdle? And how?" Kat looked at her paper. Yes. She was my friend Senpai's middle school friend. We were never friends but I knew how close she was to Senpai. "Kyran,I put Senpai's name in my answer. Should I put his real name instead of his nickname?" She asked him. "They don't know who Senpai is. They don't have nicknames. Only student names." Kyran said. "Okay." Kat erased Senpai and replaced it with the name Jaxon Floyd. "Question 2, Did you know Amity was a freshman?" Yes. "Question 3, Do you feel safe at Victory High after those stories?"Yes. I feel safe. Kat answered. "Do you two still feel safe? I do." Kat asked. "I haven't experienced any of those things." "Nor have I. And it's the beginning of November. We still have six months to think." Kyran said. "Question 4, any advice on who may have poisoned Amity's food? Do you know if she has any enemies?" I know a friend of mine hated her. Her name is Michaela Laws. She and Amity hated each other's guts and often argued. Michaela has a temper but she is a good person though it did seem weird when she said that she will no longer argue with Amity. Kat answered truthfully. "Question 5 Have you ever been bullied at Victory?" No. "Question 6, Rate the safety level at your school out of ten." 8/10. "How do you feel at Victory out of ten? I put 8." Kat asked. "Really? I said 7.5/10. The story about the rape and teacher suicide is sad." Kim said. "I put 7.5 too." Kyran said. "Question 7, can you read this letter on the board? And if you can't see, you can come up." She asked. "What the hell does that say?" Kat asked. I###N###4#####m#a#######+######!####0######n. "Read in between the hashtags I guess?" Kyran said. " In..4? For? Ma... plus..! on?" Kim raised a confused eyebrow. "Informa... zero n.. Oh! Information!" Kyran whispered. "What?" Kat said. "The plus looks like a lowercase t,the zero is an o, and the exclamation mark is an upside down i." Kyran said. "Wow I had no clue. You're super smart, Kyran." Kim said. Kyran blushed at her complement. "Thank you." He smiled. "Question 8, do you know anyone in the school that goes by the nickname 'info kin"?" No. "I haven't heard anyone say that name before." Kat said. "Question 9, are you scared after hearing those stories?" Not really but I'll be more cautious of any suspicious behavior. "Those stories were really scary. Especially since it only happens in our school." Kim said. "Yeah but I'll keep you girls safe. I'll make sure no one hurts you in school." Kyran said. Kat laughed. "You can try." Kat said. Kim shot her sister a glance of slight annoyance but Kat ignored her. "Alright, this was the questionnaire. I am going to lead you out and you all can go home." She said. She got up and instructed the students to follow as she walked out of the room. "This was stressful." Kim said. "Yeah. I have never been put in a situation like that and I don't ever want to be put in a situation like that ever again. I hated it." Kyran whined. "But knowing you girls were here too, I felt better." He said. Kat smiled at him. "We're thankful for you too, Kyran." Kim said. As the group went on Kat saw a police officer close the blinds of another room and a guy in handcuffs. Her curiosity spiked. "Do you want to explore?" She asked Kim and Kyran. "What? You want to stay here? Longer? Hell no!" Kyran said. "Besides, this is a police station. You don't want to explore this place." Kim agreed. "But I saw a kid in handcuffs. They were behind this window. He looked like a freshman. I think he had something to do with Amity's death." Kat said. "A freshman? That's so young. I'm interested now." Kim said. Kyran looked uncertain. "We shouldn't be snooping around. Especially here." He said. Kat looked through the blinds and saw four officers in the room and the one kid. "He's probably so stressed around all those cops." Kim said sympathetically. Kyran sighed in defeat. Kat grabbed a blind and opened it so she could see in more. "Is that the redhead we saw at Michaela's party?" Kim asked. "And I've seen him around school a few times. He's quiet." Kat said. "No wonder. He was thinking about murder. *Gasp!* Maybe that's why he was Daniel Ng for Halloween. He must be his role model. Everyone knows Daniel is real and scary so who else would look like him." Kim said. "I'm sure that's not the case. I remember he saved me from the falling wood. He talked to me then and he complimented us at the party. I think he's cool. Just introverted. Maybe they arrested him because he looks like Daniel." Kat said. "I don't know, Kat. He's in handcuffs and there is a taser on the table with five police officers around him. He probably did something bad." Kyran said. "I agree with Kyran. Freshman or not. This kid did something that we want nothing to do with." Kim said. Kat looked back through the blind. The guy was breathing heavily and his eyes were shaking.

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