October: Freshman Year

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Before I begin, I must let you all know that this story is my version of Yandere High sSchool. A story first started by ItsFunneh back in 2015 but was never completed. This is the version that I wrote completing the story that was originally never finished. This is just what I believe to happen, it came from my insane imagination so I guess this is fan fiction. Weird...

"Kim look what came in the mail." Kat said as she walked up the stairs to her house. The girls were coming home from school and Kat checked the mail as the mailman drove by. "What is it?" Kim said as she walked through the door. Kat walked over to the living room kitchen and took some scissors out of her back pack. It was a Halloween themed envelope. It was purple and had yellow grass with a haunted mansion and ghosts. Kat cut it open and took a piece of paper out. And at the same time the girls got a text. "The letter says... it's an invitation! To a Halloween party on the fifthteenth. And you girls are invited!" Kat said excitedly. "Kat, I just got a text from Michaela! 'I would like to invite you and Kat over for a Halloween party! I have a large house and would love for you to come. It's on the fifthteenth. And as some of my closest friends, I have a surprise for you down in my basement! I was wondering if you would like to come?" Her text said. Kat read her phone. "I got the same message. I would love to come!" Kat said. "Alright. I'll reply yes and maybe she will tell us more about it." Kim said. "I'll go upstairs and call her."...

"Kat, do you like my costume?" Kim said. It was the day of the party and the girls were getting ready to leave to take an Uber to Michaela's house. "It's cute! Youre Alice in wonderland?" Kat asked. "Yes! And you're Black Widow?" Kat nodded. "Kim, I heard that Michaela invited all of the whole ninth grade." Kat said. "Really? Can all these kids be in one house?" Kim asked. Kat shrugged her shoulders. "We can look up the house on google maps." Kat suggested and pulled out her phone. She looked up the address Michaela gave her. It showed a large and beautiful two and a half story modern home. Almost Mansion! It was big and beautiful. "Wow. Where do you think she got the money for all that? She must be rich!" Kim exclaimed. Kat tingled with excitement. "Think about what we could explore! It'll be so much fun! Especially since we have special access to the house for being her closest friends." Kat said. "I know we're going to have so much fun."...

When Kat entered the party she and Kim saw someone crying in the corner. Kat walked up to him. He sat with a friend. Kat sat down next to him at Michaela's kitchen table. His friend was patting his back. "Hey, I saw you crying. Are you okay?" Kat asked him. He had black hair and dark eyes wearing dark clothes with gold buttons. He wiped an eye. "I'm fine. sob A friend of mine passed sob away, or, well, sob she went missing for the past week and today was her birthday." He said sadly. Kim sat down and joined them. "I'm sorry about your loss." Kat said sympathetically. "I lost a parent recently." Kat said. Kim looked at her sternly to not give too much away. She lost both of her parents. and maybe all connections to her family. "That's got to be rough. I'm sorry. My name is Jaxon but you can call me Senpai." He said. His friend's phone beeped. "My new girlfriend is here, Jaxon. I gotta go see her." He said and got up in a rush. "That's fine, Mason." Senpai said and his friend left. "My name is Kat and this is my sister Kim. Can we get you anything to feel better?" Kat asked. Kat felt really bad. It must be terrible to lose a friend and then their birthday comes a week later. What's going to happen when it's my mom's birthday or dad's birthday? Will I grieve too or will I forget? Senpai blew his nose and threw it in the trash before getting up to wash his hands. "Could you find me some more tissue? I don't plan on crying the whole party and I want to wash my face to look better." Senpai said. "Alright. Let's ask Michaela for a bathroom." Kim said as she got up. Kim and Kat got up and walked from the dining room and into the living room. They found Michaela by the tv talking to a redhead. "I have pictures of them." He said to her. "Wow, he has a great costume. Do you think he's Daniel Ng? The serial killer?" Kim whispered to Kat. Kat laughed. "I think so. The makeup looks great. He really put a lot of effort into it. She laughed. He looked at the girls as if he heard them. Then Michaela looked at them. "Ah, my best friends. So good to see that you came! You two look beautiful." She hugged them both. "Thanks, I'm Alice in Wonderland and Kat is Black widow." Kim said. "You girls have taste. Your costumes are nice." The redhead said. "Thanks. Your costume looks great." Kat told him. He looked confused. "Aren't you Daniel Ng?" Kat asked him. He looked down in shame while Michaela laughed. "Doesn't their hair look just alike. He put so much effort into it for no reason at all. I had to come and check that it was just a costume." Michaela laughed. "You look great." Kat patted his shoulder. He looked embarrassed. "So Michaela is there a bathroom anywhere? We need tissues." Kim said to her. "Yea there is a bathroom just on the other side of the stairs. And if you want, you have special access to the whole house and can explore as you please. Call me if you get lost." Michaela said. Kat nodded. "It's a big house, girls. You don't want to get lost here like I did." He warned. "Thank you." Kat gave them a peace sign before walking off to the bathroom. But Valerie pulled them away first. "Gah!" Kim exclaimed. "Roar!" Valerie gave a very realistic roar that sounded just like a bear. Valerie was wearing a full body bear onesie afterall. "I know this isn't a pajama party but I had nothing else to get a such a late time." Valerie said. "You're cute! I feel like I can hug you over and over again as long as I want!" Kim said in awe. "Hug me Kim- oneechan!" Valerie gave a wide boxy smile. They hugged and giggled and Kat couldn't help but join in. "Now where are you two off to?" Valerie asked when they separated. "To the washroom." Kat answered. "Together?" Valerie's eyes widened. "No! We're looking for tissues." Kat said immediately. "Ohh, none of you seem sick or full of snot. Why do you need tissues?" She asked. "Senpai's friend went missing and he's upset." Kim said. "Oh... I am a very fun person to hang around so I can cheer him up until then. Where is he"? She asked. "In the dining room. He's wearing all black and has black hair." Kat pointed into the direction of the dining room where they previously left. "Alright, see you girls in a moment." Valerie waved goodbye before walking in the direction of Senpai. "Hi!" The pink haired girl exclaimed. Jaxon laid his head down on the table. Valerie pulled up a chair and sat down next to him. "My friends told me you had been crying. Is everything alright?" She asked him. He looked at her through stray hairs over his eyes. They were full and black. "I'm just not in a good mood." He muttered. Valerie's face softened. She laid her head down on the table next to his. "I came here hoping to feel better but it just reminds me of how much my friend liked to party." He said. Valerie smiled at him. "You know, whenever my social battery started to run out, especially at parties. I'd take a moment to meditate." She said. "You sit cross cross applesauce, look down, focus on how many times your heart beats per minute, and take deep breaths." She said. He looked up. "What are You blabbering about?" He furrowed his brows. "Sit criss cross. Like a Japanese person." She told him. "Do I know you?" He asked her. "Well I hope you will. I'm just trying to cheer someone up." She said. Jaxon looked into her eyes. Her dull pinkish eyes and pink hair complimented her ridiculous bear onesie.

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