Chapter Thirteen

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"Let us go to my father and then home." Patrick walked out of the room and walked them two up to his father's room. He knocked and they walked in. Neo was shocked at how huge the room was. The room was half of the fourth floor. He was in awe. He looked around before he was pulled to the office within the bedroom. Patrick let Neo walk in first, before he stood behind him. He kept himself as close as possible, trying to use his scent to mask Neo. Alex scratched his nose and shook his head from the smell. He looked at them both and laughed. Alex looked at them again before he went back to his computer.

"You mother went on a trip to the islands for the week. She sends her regards. I just wanted to say goodbye to you both and I hope you have a good week at school. Also, Patrick... control yourself. I could smell you both before you were even on the fourth floor."

"I was trying to mask Neo's scent. Its strong. Like its"

"It probably is Patrick. Protect him. Especially around Arc."

"What are you saying? I am so confused. Why do I smell like cinnamon? Why did males look at me like candy? I am just... I was normal six days ago before I met anyone..."

"Normal? Neo there is no normalcy for wolves."

"Well, that is what you all think. In the foster house, I was forbidden to transform or even do anything wolf like... So, I was human. I was normal... Yet once I meet Patrick and Arc... my world is flipped. I do not know what is happening so, if someone can tell me please before I get violent."

Patrick and his father look at one another before Alex stood up and pointed for Neo to come to him. He walked over and he spun him around and placed Neo into his lap before he sat back down. He wrapped one arm around Neo. Neo blushed deeply before looking at Alex.

"Wolves let out a scent when they want something that is sexual. If a wolf is not mated with someone or allows their body to be connected with someone during the hazing season... their body will continually release the scent until they are... well used. When you get touched in any way that is not just friendly, you will release it. It is dangerous when you are around beta and alpha males. It is even worse when you are at a university where males and females have no restraint."

Neo kept his dead down listening. He never had this problem. He has had relationships before, but never let out a scent. He looked at Alex before back at Patrick. He leaned back once he saw the anger within Patrick's eyes. Alex gripped Neo tighter.

"I have had relationships before though. I kissed them and what not."

"Yes, but your wolf did not like them, or your body did not want them."


"You will need to learn how to control it. Patrick should know how to behave... if he does not, don't be afraid to text me." He grabbed Neo's phone and typed his phone number in. He handed Neo back his phone. He turned and watched Patrick. He was mad. He was sucking the top row of his teeth. Neos scent was slowly going away.

"You can come back to this house whenever you want, or you can text me whenever you want. Any questions, any comments, or if you need me to come get you I will. You are welcome here. Even though you are not part of this pack, due to Patrick's behavior, you are connected to the tribe. Meaning we will be here to protect you."

"Who knows, maybe you will join our tribe." Patrick said before he walked over and stood on the opposite side of the desk. Alex allowed Neo to stand up and walk over to Patrick. Alex and Patrick looked at one another for a few moments, before Patrick nodded and looked at Neo.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah... Thank you sir."

"Call me Alex Neo."

"Oh, sorry sir... I mean Alex." Alex smiled while he watched them leave. Neo and Patrick walk out of the house and to the car. The ride home was silent as Neo was on his phone researching about what Alex was telling him about. Once they got back to the dorm and up the elevator. Neo looked at Patrick before he walked into his dorm room. He sighed as he closed the door. He saw Arc sitting at his desk and he walked behind him and to his side of the room. Arc sniffed the air and looked over at Neo.

"Did y'all go to a bakery? You smell good." Neo froze in place as they heard that. Neo chuckled and looked at Arc nodding.

"Yeah. We did. It was nice." Neo quickly grabbed his clothes and went to shower. He hoped after the shower he would smell normal. He knew he would have to remind himself not to fall for Patrick's motives and moves. He still cannot figure out why Patrick made him weak. He wanted to ask, but with what happened today and yesterday; he just wanted a break. He changed his clothes and sat at his desk. He looked over at his phone and sighed. It was already six at night and he had a feeling that he would be called into work. This is the first Saturday he did not work and it felt weird. 

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