Chapter Thirty-Six

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The rest of the break went by quickly. Neo, Arc, and Patrick spent time together, but Neo was very distant. He did not allow the other two men to touch him, except when they slept in bed together.

Sunday they all traveled back to the dorm, and Neo kept himself busy. Washed his laundry, cleaned his side of the dorm, and cleaned the bathroom. Arc and Patrick figured something happened but they did not know how to go about asking. They did not want to push Neo any further than they already have.

Fall semester only had three weeks left. They all had three weeks left together before they are separated for a whole month. The three men did not know where Neo was going, even if he was going to go somewhere. Neo signed up for a winter semester class so he was going to be able to live on campus. Dr. Hasseldorf was not going to allow him to travel anywhere else. He was going to be worked into the ground and he was ready for that.

Monday morning Neo was already out by the time Arc woke up. Arc was upset and so was Patrick. They both decided to go for a walk before class.

"I think something happened at the dinner."

"What do you mean Arc?"

Arc sighs, "Neo disappeared and we found him with the doctor and Neo looked... uncomfortable and scared. I know the doctor goes and hangs with Neo at his job, but what if there is more going on. Yeah, we are doing stuff with Neo, but we know literally nothing about him."

Patrick chucked before he placed his hand on Arcs shoulder, "Look at you being all sentimental. I could tell something happened, but I don't think it was that serious. Neo already did not feel good, but you are right. We don't know anything. I know his favorite scents and he likes fruits... but nothing about his life, hobbies, and so on."

Arc stopped and looked at Patrick, "I think something happened. No way he goes from being fun, laughing, being flirty, and enjoying himself and within ten minutes he no longer wants to eat, sleep, or be touched."

He sighed and continued, "I do not have a good feeling. That is all." He started to walk to class.

The next three weeks, Neo worked every day. He went to class from eight am until three pm and then worked from five pm until midnight and sometimes to two am. On the weekends he would work from noon to close. He would sleep three to four hours a day because he needed time to do school work. He gave up trying to get out of the situation he was in. He looked dead. He rarely ate. He rarely spoke to the others. He mostly waved at them before he had to return to school or work.

The boys tried to stop him, feed him, care for him, but Neo shut them out. He knew if he allowed them back in not only will they get hurt, his punishment would get worse. He is already forced to use his mouth for more than just talking at work due to missing work and talking back to the doctor. He already received bruises and burns from those he had to deal with at work, he did not want his body to be used. He knew that would be the next punishment. He wasn't a prude, but he wanted to give himself to his person. His lover. Every time he thought about a lover he would laugh. He was damaged.

The last day of the semester came faster than they all thought. James, Patrick, and Arc were busy packing up their belongings for the winter break. Neo walked into the dorm around one am and ignored Arc. He was tired. He was hungry, hurt, and just wanted to disappear. He walked over to his bed, kicked his shoes off, removed his socks, and crawled into bed. He buried himself under his blankets and curled up. He wanted to look invisible. Tonight, would be the first night he would be able to sleep for longer than three hours.

Arc texted Patrick and Patrick appeared in the room within five minutes. They both walked over to Neo's bed. Patrick climbed the ladder and sat on the edge of the bed. Arc leaned against the edge of the bed, deciding to stand. Patrick moved his hand and placed it on Neo's leg. Neo flinched and pulled his leg closer.

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