Chapter Forty-Two

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James walked back into the house rubbed his face sighing. He knew how dangerous the doctor was, but he never thought he would meet someone who that man was controlling. He walked into the kitchen and decided to grab himself a drink. He knew he needed to call his parents and retell the story but every time he thought about what happened, panic settled in.

Once James's parents arrived, they and Arc's parents went into one of the available offices to talk. James followed suit due to the issue at hand. He has been watching everything from the sidelines and he had a feeling about what was going on between the doctor and Neo. Once everyone had their drink and their seat, James began to talk. He retold the story down to the most minor detail. He kept his gaze on the ground. He could not bear to look at anyone in the eye. Once he was finished, the room remained silent until his father spoke.

"So, he is dead?"

"The doctor... yes, he is dead. Three shot him three times with pure silver bullets. He died within seconds."

"Do you know how long the doctor had a hold on Neo's life?"

"From what I was able to gather... it has been for a while, years even. His foster father passed, his foster mother is a bitch, and then he had to sign some contract with the doctor due to debt or something... I couldn't get much from him since he was terrified of the doctor and because Arc and Patrick wanted to mount that boy" James laughs before resting his back against the couch. He turned his head towards his family.

"There was something that bothered me though, throughout this... Neo had wolf parents, yet he was born human. He should have wolf genes within him, allowing him to feel the mate pull, the scents alphas, betas, and omegas give off, and he should also give off a scent. I know he gives off a scent, but he has never expressed that he could smell others, nor has he expressed he could feel the mate bond. I do not want to say much especially with Arc's father present, but I do believe that mate pull occurred between Neo and Arc but also between Neo and Patrick. Yet, Neo did not feel it. I could see it in his eyes that he was confused as to why two random men started to want him in ways I think he never have been wanted before."

Koa sipped his drink before speaking, "I have spoken to Neo about the occurrences between him and my son, but I do agree with you. Something is off about Neo's past or genes. It is almost like his wolf was stripped from him when he was born or at a very young age. Most wolves don't even know they have a wolf side until they are about six or eight years old."

James furrowed his brows and tilted his head to the side as his mind started to connect dots, "Neo lost his parents when he was six so no one would have shown him how to shift or even the wolf life. Father, I know you have spoken to the Lotus tribe and asked them for history about the slaughtering of the villages nearby. What did they say?"

"Well, I went there originally to obtain information about a possible combination of land due to us expanding, but the conversation changed due to their history. They don't focus on claiming themselves as wolves, but connectors of nature to the gods. They don't even allow shifting to take place. They all deceive themselves as humans. "

Lorelei chuckled, "It almost sounds like they lied about what creature Neo is to keep him from this side of life."

Ophelia looked at Lorelei before speaking, "If I was placed into a tribe where they did not seem themselves as wolves, hell even hid their wolf side from themselves and the world, I would not understand what my mind and body was doing when I would have connected with my mate."

James stood up and walked over to the drink cart. "I know I am young, but could Neo be a wolf?"

"It is very much a possibility, but his wolf figure might be dead but not the attributes the wolf gives. I am still confused as to why the doctor migrated towards Neo. I hate to say it, but he really had nothing to offer." James turned around to face his parents before sighing. 

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