Chapter Thirty-Four

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Arc and Patrick were able to persuade Neo to stay for the night. Patrick was not going to travel through a storm anyways, but he wanted Neo to have the final say. Neo kept his distance from the two and decided to sleep on the couch and allow the other men to have the bed.

The next morning all three talked about what the game plan should be and ultimately Neo decided that he would stay at the house, only because of the storms that would be occurring throughout the week.

Patrick went home the next morning. Leaving Arc and Neo alone again. There was tension between them, you could cut it with a knife, it was claustrophobic to say the least. Neo gave Arc the silent for the next few days. Arc was getting pissed at Neo. He understood he messed up, but he did not believe he deserved the silent treatment.

Neo woke up with a massive migraine. The last few days he has "forgotten" to eat. He leaned up and turn his body to the side so his feet were now touching the ground. He yawned before he rubbed his eyes.

"Come get breakfast, we need to have a little chat."

Neo rolled his eyes and walked over to the table and sat down. He leaned forward and buried his head into his own hand. He used the table as leverage to keep himself up. Arc placed Neos plate down. Neo looked at it and sighed, he pushed it away and looked at Arc with an annoyed expression.

"You have not eaten in days, please eat. It is Thursday, Thanksgiving. I know we have not spoken since the incident and I keep telling you I am sorry, but today we need to chat and get ready. You are my guest to the thanksgiving dinner and I need to make sure we are on the same page."

"I thought I told you I am not interacting with this so-called Thanksgiving tradition. I do not know how to dance, how to act, and frankly I do not want to be around that many wolves." Neo looked down before he pulled his plate back to him and decided to take a bite of the toast. He looked up at Arc before he leaned back in his chair, still holding the piece of toast.

"There will be humans and wolves there. You do not need to interact with anything besides the dinner. You and I will be wearing semi-matching suits with my parents. You will also be wearing my family crescent due to being my plus one. You just have to stay by my side during the predinner and dinner itself. Predinner is just everyone meets up in the grand hall and room, everyone talks and then once dinner is ready everyone goes to their respected table. You will be at a table with me, Patrick, James, my sister, Patrick's brother, and Dr. Hasseldorf. I tried to remove him, but my father wanted him with us."

How do I get this through his thick skull?... I have an idea but I truly hate this. Neo darkened his expression before he took another bite of his toast.

"Actually, I think I will stay next to Dr. Hasseldorf's side for the night. At least he sees me not as an object he can discard." Neo stood up and tossed the half-eaten piece of toast onto the table and headed to the upstairs closet. He ran out of clean clothes so he has been borrowing Arc's. Mainly shirts and socks. He heard something shatter and he turned around and saw Arc. He threw his plate across the room. Neo was terrified. Arc's eyes were no longer beautiful, they were a dark red, wait no, black. Neo froze in his tracks. He could not move even though his head was telling him to run. Arc grabbed Neo by his collar and slammed him against the wall. Neo let out a loud gasp while he tried to push away, but with the way Arc had him against the wall, there was no way Neo could move. Arc's leg was between his, and half of Neo's body was trapped. Arc kept his hand on Neo's collar while his other hand forced Neo to look at him.

"Let us get something straight Neo. You know how to piss people off huh? How many times do I have to tell you that I am sorry? HM? HOW MANY! I literally broke all sexual and romantic relationships I had for you. I don't know if it is because you have never been loved in your life, or you were dropped as a baby... but you have two men who are fighting for you. Dr. Hasseldorf is a fifty-year-old man who probably just wants to get into your pants. If you really think he wants more than that, you are mistaken. God..." He tightened his grip on Neos shirt.

"You are so stubborn...You talk back, but yet can't speak normally to us? You enjoy being touched, but then you fight yourself for it. I don't get you Neo. I truly don't. Tonight, you will get your fucking act together. You have been able to pout and be stubborn for the last four days, today stop it. Act normal. Act like you want to be here."

Arc stared into Neo's eyes waiting for a response. Neo's eyes were wide and full of fear. He has been yelled at before by Arc, but never like this nor has he seen Arc's eyes change colors. Neo tried to look away, but Arc would not allow it. Neo let out the breath he was holding onto. There was only one thing he knew he could do to get out of this situation.

Neo moved his hands from his sides and grabbed a fist full of Arcs shirt and pulled him closer. He kept his grip tight as he slammed his lips onto Arc's. Arc was shocked but accepted the kiss. He started to loosen his grip on Neo's chin and moved his hand to cup his cheek instead. Neo pulled away after a few seconds and turned his head to the side.

"Please calm down Arc." Neo spoke softly as he released Arc's shirt before he moved his hands up and cupped Arc's face. He made sure that both men were looking at one another.

"Please... you are scaring me. At the end of the day, you are the one I will be going home with." Arc closed his eyes listening to Neo's voice. He took a deep breath before he released it while he opened his eyes. He removed his hand from the collar of the other boy's shirt and kept his hand there. He could feel Neo's heartbeat. Fast and quick. Arc looked down before he looked back into Neo's eyes. He knew he went overboard, but he could not help himself. He leaned in and kissed Neo. Neo smiled before kissing back, wrapping his arms around the taller man's neck. Arc moved his arms around the smaller boy's waist and pulled to boy closer. They stayed like that for a few seconds before Neo pulled away.

"Let me get some clothes and I will come and help clean up the mess." He removed himself from Arc and continued his journey up the stairs. He grabbed himself an outfit, grey hoodie with black sweatpants and grabbed Arc another grey hoodie but with black joggers. He walked back down and placed the clothes onto the bathroom counter.

After the two men finished cleaning up the mess from breakfast, Neo walked over to the bathroom and started the shower. He looked over at Arc and motioned him to come over to him. Arc followed with no questions asked.

"We can shower together, but keep your boxers on." Neo started to strip down before he walked into the shower. He kept the door open for Arc. Arc smiled before he joined Neo in the shower. Arc washed Neo's hair for him, while Neo washed Arc's body. One thing he loved to do was feel Arc's and Patrick's bodies, and it was not because they had nice bodies, it calmed Neo.

Neo got onto his knees, so he could continue to was Arc. He moved the washcloth to Arc's waist before he continued to wash Arc's lower half. Neo thought to himself for a moment before he smirked. He continued to wash Arc's legs, backside, and moved his hands to the front. Arc stood there watching, every few seconds brushing his fingers through Neo's hair. Neo moved the washcloth inside the boxers and began to wah Arc's upper thigh, before he moved the cloth along his lower waist and onto his other thigh. Neo could hear Arc's hitched breath and noticed Arc started to tense up. He laughed internally, before he moved the cloth to Arc's inner thighs and made sure to never touch Arc's member. Once Neo was done he stood up and moved so Arc could rinse himself. Neo looked at Arc smiling. Arc was tense and his hands were balled into fist. If he could have it his way, Neo's mouth would have been wrapped around something special.

Neo rinsed off the washcloth before he placed his body-wash on the cloth and started to wash himself. Arc grabbed Neo's cloth and smiled.

"Let me return the favor." Arc said softly. He turned Neo around and began to wash him. He made sure to touch every part of Neo, just like Neo did to him. He watched Neo's lower belly twitch from being touched. He chuckled before he pulled Neo closer to him and under the water. Arc leaned down and placed a soft kiss onto Neos lips. Neo leaned into the kiss and into Arc's arms. 

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