Chapter Nineteen

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"I was thinking cfa? I can get you a drink, what do you want?" They start to walk over to Chick-fil-A. Neo read the menu while he was in line. He could not help but wonder how their French fries tasted like since people around him were talking about them. Once at the counter Patrick orders the 12-count nugget medium with a dr pepper. Then he gestured to Neo who ordered a large fry and a large lemonade. Patrick pulled out a 20 and told them to keep the change. They walk over to the left and waited with the other people for his name to be called. Neo could not help but realize that people were looking at them two. Soon Patrick's name was called and the people around them started to whisper and ask if the man in front of them was the alpha of one of the nearby packs. He looked at them and winked. Neo watched the interaction and could not help himself get upset and protective. He kept thinking about how Patrick was his. Wait? His? He felt like he was getting confused, and he started to get mad at himself. Neo was single, Patrick was single. Patrick could flirt with whoever he wanted to, even if that wasn't Neo.

They found a two-person booth and decide to sit there. Patrick placed Neos fries and drink down first and then placed his food down. He slipped into the booth and started to eat. They ate in silence as Neo picked at his French fries. He slowly chewed on them while he was lost in his mind. Was I attracted to Patrick? Why did I get mad that he winked at those girls. Maybe I should kill those girls? Wait! NO! That is not the way to think. Patrick is an alpha. He can have anyone... He can have anyone...

Neo was brought back to reality when a group of college girls came over to the table. They all looked at Patrick who was trying to enjoy his lunch.

"Are you the Patrick? The son to the father who owns this land that we are on?"

He sighed and looked at the girls, "Yes, I am. I also know I am trying to enjoy my lunch."

"Could we join you for lunch? Wouldn't be a bother, right? Oh, my goodness. We also got Chick-fil-A." The one girl said. The other two girls looked at Neo. They had nasty expressions. One kept mouthing for Neo to leave or to get lost. Neo looked over at Patrick, but he was busy talking to the one girl. Neo couldn't help but look at her as well. She was tall and skinny. She also had long brown wavy hair and well... she was female. Most men want that. Neo wen to stand up but the one girl 'accidentally' spilt Neos drink all over the floor. The girls gasped.

"Uh... I'll go get napkins." Neo said upset that his lemonade was now all over the floor. He went to get a rag from the maintenance worker and came back to clean it. He saw that two of the girls sat next to Patrick and the main girl has stolen Neos spot. He came back over and cleaned up the mess. Patrick went to speak to Neo, but the girls kept him distracted. Only thing Neo was able to do was walk away. He enjoyed the silence between the two men while they ate. Neo ate real food for once but again; someone came and messed it up. Neo pulled his phone out and remembered he had apple pay. He sighed while he walked away. He walked around for a few minutes before he remembered there is a bookstore on the second floor. He took the stairs up to the second floor and went straight for the books. Once inside he just pulled out his air pods and put them into his ears. He put his playlist on shuffle while he browsed all the books this store had to offer. He finally found his favorite genre, non-fictional History. He started his browsing on the top shelf, and soon was on his knees examining the bottom shelf. He had a pile of five books that he was interested in. He collected the books and went to the sitting area. He sat down and pulled the table that was connected to the chair in front of him. He placed all five books on the table and started to read. He read the about section and started to read the first two chapters of each book. An hour passed before he was able to decide on two of the books. He put the other three books back. On his way to the register, he received a message.

From Patrick: Hey Neo. I been trying to find you. Where are you?

Neo sighed and just kept walking to the register. He paused his music while he was cashing out. Once he had his books, he pulled out his phone again and responded to Patrick.

From Neo: I went to the bookstore. I am now about to head to Target. I need laundry soap and some other stuff.

Within seconds his message was read. Neo was shocked.

From Patrick: Okay I will meet you at the entrance of Target. I am so sorry about the girls.

Neo left him on read because he was upset. He made his way to Target and just like Patrick said, he was at the entrance leaning against the wall. His arms were crossed on his chest. He saw Neo and began to walk over to him. He held his hand out and Neo just handed him the bag. Neo looked at Patrick with an upset look with a hint of anger. Patrick held the bag and placed his hand back onto Neo's shoulder.

"I am sorry Neo. I kept telling them to leave me alone, but they wouldn't let me go. I literally had to call my security to come get me out of the situation. My security took all the bags I had and put them in the car for us. I looked around the mall for over thirty minutes looking for you. I was scared that you got hurt or something. How can I make this up to you?"

Neo looked over at Patrick and he knew that Patrick was telling the truth. He could see and hear the sincerity in his voice. Neo decided to grab a shopping cart and start to walk around. He smiled at a thought but then shook it away. He didn't know why he kept having that thought but he did. Patrick placed the book bag in the kid holder part and placed his hand on top of Neo's. Neo froze. Neo let out the breath that he didn't know he was holding in. Patrick half smiled before they walked into the game section.

"The boys want me to pick up some board games. We were thinking of doing games and liquor. What games do you want to play?" Patrick said as he removed his hand from Neo's and walked over and placed one pack of each variant of Cards Against Humanity the store had and placed them into the shopping cart. He also grabbed the metal case they sell for the cards. He also grabbed monopoly and a two double package of basic cards. Neo looked at the whole isle of games and decided on Uno. He kept looking and stumbled upon a game called Do or Drink. He picked it up, read the back, decided it seemed fun and added it to the cart. Patrick saw the game and smiled. He walked over leaned down next to Neo and grabbed the two booster packs. He grabbed the nsfw and the one for couples. He added it to the cart before he held his hand out for Neo. Neo slowly grabbed it before Patrick pulled him close and placed Neos hands onto the handle of the shopping cart. Patrick was standing behind him. He had Neo trapped between his own hands which were on top of Neos. Neo could smell Patrick's cologne that surrounded him. Neos heart raced, and he began to panic, but Patrick leaned down and whispered into Neo ear.

"What are your favorite drinks?" Neo felt Patricks' hot breath against his ear. His body could not help the reaction it gave. Neo's eyes fluttered while his head tilted back and to the right slightly. Neo's eyes opened wide once he realized what reaction he had and turned his head more to the right so Patrick could not see Neo's red face. He was completely embarrassed. Patrick chuckled in amusement but didn't let go of Neo's hands.

"I asked you a question. We are not going tomove until you tell me." Patrick leaned back down and whispered into Neo's earagain. "Hm? What do you want?" He spoke in a seductive but dominant whisper.All Neo could do was let out was a hearable breath while his heart and cheststarted to pound. His body was getting hot. His mind wondered. He needed torespond, or this would continue. The only issue is that Neo couldn't speakafter Patrick did things like this to him. He took a deep breath before hetried to speak.

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