Chapter Sixteen

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While watching the movie, Neo couldn't help but get tired. It was already 3 in the morning, and he has been up since 6:30 the morning before. He kept yawning and eventually fell asleep. Patrick leaned over and noticed Neo asleep. He smiled softly before he pulled Neo slowly into his lap. Neo's head was now laying on a pillow in Patricks' lap. Patrick slowly played with Neo's hair while he watched the movie. He did not want this moment to end. Seeing Neo in a calm, vulnerable state made Patrick smile more. Soon the movie ended, and Patrick told the other two to stay quiet while he put Neo to bed. He carried Neo to his bed and tucked him in.

"Where are you going to sleep?" James whispered. Arc yawned and headed over to his room and went to bed. Patrick pointed to the couch and shrugged.

"I'll sleep there. It will be fine. Now go shower or get into bed. Don't wake Neo up." James nodded and headed to the shower. Patrick found an extra blanket and pillow and headed to the small couch. He will have to curl up, but he did not mind. His mind replayed the moments from earlier in the night. He thought about how the simple act of helping Neo made him speechless. He thought about how Neo was asleep in his lap. It made him feel important again.

Hours passed and all four boys were still sound asleep. Neo was the first to wake up around 11 am. He yawned as he stretched up and realized he was not in his own bed. He started to freak out, but soon came to the realization that he was in Patrick's bed. He could not help but smile. Confused as to where Patrick was, he got out of bed and walked over to the couch to find his phone and to find Patrick. He didn't understand why he felt safe with Patrick, but he did. He found his phone and watched Patrick sleep for a moment before he placed his hand on Patrick's shoulder and shook him softly. Neo wanted to lay next to Patrick. His mind went back to the time they slept together in a bed and it made him smile wider.

"Patrick.... Patrick...." He said whispering. Patrick woke up in a freaked state and saw Neo. He wiped his eyes before looking back at Neo.

"What's up, love? You, okay?"

"Yeah, I was just waking you up so you could go to your bed. You didn't need to sleep here last night. Had to hurt. You are over six feet sleeping on a four-foot couch. Just go back to bed on your bed." Neo said softly so he does not wake up James. Patrick chuckled and leaned fully up, stretching before he wrapped his arms around Neos waist and pulled Neo in. Neo fell into Patrick's lap blushing. Patrick kept his hands on Neo's waist before he kissed Neos cheek. Neo wiggled out of Patrick's grasp and stood up. He helped Patrick stand up.

"I'm okay. Thank you, Neo. Go get dressed. We can go get breakfast together and then after I'll have my doctor come visit and give you proper medicine. Then we can go out or something if you like since you now don't work today." Patrick said before walking over to the bathroom. Neo stood there blushing for a moment before he headed over to his room. He does as Patrick asked and he changed clothes. Settling for gray joggers and a long sleeve oversized shirt. He waited for Patrick outside in the hallway. He was nervous. Patrick joined Neo in the hallway, and they started to walk to the dining hall. Since it was close to noon the hall would be open for brunch. They walk for a few minutes in silence before one decided to speak.

"So, Neo? How are you liking school? Also, weird question but where do you work? Based on your outfit it seems like a fancy place."

"Huh? Oh, School is okay. I like my classes. They feel easy which normally isn't good. I work at a place called Je' Piere'. It's invitation-only or if you know someone, they can get you on the blackout dates. Every first Tuesday of the month it is first come first serve so that's really the busiest day since many people want to eat there."

"Oh? Does that mean you make a good amount of money? I know you told me about your tuition payment, so I was just curious."

"Yeah, I make a good amount, but I pay my foster mom twelve hundred dollars each time I have it. She and my foster father broke up and she cheated the system to say I owed her like fifty thousand dollars, so I am having to pay her as well. So, from that, my car, food, and just other things, I must work a lot to pay her and to pay my school tuition. Just sucks that I am out of work for a week now. Only three weeks into the school year and I am just very stressed."

"Fifty thousand dollars? How much do you still need to pay off for her? Sorry if I am overstepping, just trying to understand you."

"No, you are fine. I trust you. I have paid about thirty-five thousand dollars to her so far. She has it where once my account goes to twelve hundred it gets sent to her account, so it is being paid off faster than I originally expected. I just need to pay the rest and then.... Anyways.... I just want to say thank you for last night. Fixing my bandage and helping with the chill area under my bed."

Patrick smiled but it faded as he realized that Neo has been keeping his head down and picked at his skin around his fingers. He sighed to himself. They got to the dining hall and decided to use his meal swipes for both. He doesn't know what plan Neo has, but he wanted to be the one to "Pay" for Neo's brunch. Once inside they look around for a booth and finally decide on a four-seater. They sat down their drinks, and they headed in different directions. Patrick went straight for the meat section while Neo headed to the cold breakfast bar. He decided on an egg with cheese bagel with a side of cream cheese. He also grabbed some peaches and cherries. Once back at the table, he noticed that Patrick has two plates that were full of meat. One plate was just chicken. Neo counted about ten chicken tenders and three chicken breasts. The other plate had three steaks and two burgers. That much food would take Neo two weeks to eat.

They sit in silence for a few minutes before Patrick speaks again, "So Neo, do tell me about you? The first few weeks of school have not been the best for anyone involved. I do want to say I am truly sorry for any actions I have done towards you that have been offensive or mean."

"You are the only one that shouldn't be sorry. Arc needs to be the one that needs to say sorry. Yeah, he bought me items and I appreciate that, but I would like to hear the word sorry. James? I don't know. He is very quiet, and it seems scary like he has something to hide. I feel.... I feel safe around you. Last night I fell asleep on you, and you didn't try anything. If it was one of them, I would probably be tried with. And you do know me?" Neo said before he took a bite of his peach bowl. He looked up at Patrick and he was watching Neo eat. Neo's face goes red, and he looked back down. He wiped his mouth and leaned back in his seat.

"I don't plan on doing anything to you for a long time. The first week of school... I again want to apologize for all the physical touch and mental battles I put you through. I want to get to know Neo before I let whatever happen. My wolf has their plan but at the end of the day, I am the one who oversees my mind and heart. I made a promise to you, and I plan to keep it. If you don't mind me asking, how much do you owe to the school for tuition?"

"What if I want something to happen? Uh, three thousand and something. They say it's for the whole year, but my next semester doesn't have my meal plan on it. Meaning that this semester I owe the three thousand and then next semester it will be another three thousand and whatever my meal plan is. I got meal plan exempt for this semester since I have a job. I'll probably get exempt again since I don't plan on leaving my job."

"What is the three thousand for?" Patrick smiled when he heard Neo ask What if I want something to happen? It made him feel warm.

"It's the price of the dorm. Three thousand and some change each semester. I joined the program late, so I didn't get any of the scholarships that were available at the time. Which is fine, but since I pay my foster mother, I must come up with the three thousand by next Friday, or out of the dorm I go. The school said they might have another dorm for me." Neo kept talking but his voice started to get quieter.

"That's why you were working this week? To get the three thousand? What if I pay it for you? I come from a family that gives to anyone who needs or wants it. I know you will probably say no but just think about it. I would like to keep you as Arc's roommate. Plus, he wouldn't allow you to move out since you know. What do you mean the school might have another dorm for you?"

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