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"hey" The dimple guy now extends his hand on the counter impeding Yeonjun's way to leave .

Yeonjun nervously looks upward as he has to match his  gaze and it isn't possible without looking upward because the guy was taller than him. 

"Hi?" Yeonjun chooses to response after contemplating  with his  under thoughts.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't know Ren would do something like that and he's kinda bad tempered but he's not that bad." The dimple guy now nervously chuckles oozing an apology mixed tone.

"It's just fine. I handle these everyday and it's not like I give a shit anyway." Yeonjun smiles, more like scoffs before discovering his way to depart and that was the initial time. Yeonjun trips on the hardboard of the counter when a hand reaches out swiftly
catching Yeonjun by his waist . Yeonjun immediately looks at his saviour and gets stucked in his beautiful eyes,the  gaze was too strong for the other to handle so he lets go the grip  quickly upon the abundance of shyness . Yeonjun coughs "thanks" he proceeds to leave.

"I'm Soobin by the way ." The dimple guy shouts from behind because of the loud music otherwise he really processes a calming voice .
Yeonjun turns back.
"Yeonjun. Yeonjun Choi. " His face is emotionless just the opposite of his throbbing heart .

"Oh you're also...a Choi?" Soobin stops. Yeonjun feels the rush of distress in his voice upon his surname.

"Yeah?"  Yeonjun uneasily agrees, he tries to check out Soobin's expression which he was never good with .

"Umm..me too. Soobin Choi." Soobin exclaims drifting Yeonjun's thoughts apart.

"Oh that's nice." Yeonjun smiles. I was once again overthinking. He thinks before leaving the bar.

It was indeed a long day. Yeonjun mumbles under his cold breath and starts his way to home.


"That's not how we do this shit hyung!" Ren shouts and  stands up from the couch out of rage.

"You need to chill for a second boy. Sit down and listen to soobin." Bangchan tries to calm him down with his mirthful tone conflicting with Ren's enraged one.

"He's been saying this shit for past two weeks now. We fuckin need to perform in a big stage now! The Seoul university's freshers reception and  you know  it's a hit or a miss,right hyung ?" Ren now looks at bangchan a little unsettlement featured in him but he isn't fuming like before.

"It's not my fault if the situation is same for the past two weeks, is it? I'm trying to reach him considering every way possible." Soobin's voice starts to shake, he clutches the cushion which is settled on his thighs to calm himself down,his eyes remains glossy.

"I don't think he'll come. We've to do it with out him. That's the final deal bangchan hyung." Ren now sits down on the couch slightly placing both of his hands on his both thighs.

"He's the lead guitarist of our band Ren. How can you even see the possibility of performing in such a big stage with out him? Who'll play the front then?" Bangchan gives a wistful glance at Ren and looks back to Soobin. "Soobin can you? You're new and I won't say you perform bad but do you've the confidence that you can lead ?" He glances back to  Soobin visibly potraying his concern.

"I don't know hyung. Let's  just  wait a few days more. I'm sure he'll be back any soon. " Soobin doesn't looks  at bangchan. He was really perplexed,first he's new, second Ren makes it too obvious that he doesn't trusts neither likes him. He can't even consider himself a fellow bandmate. It's just that bangchan is nice so he lets soobin perform with them,and the person whom he trusted and came to Seoul was now missing.

"I would've said Kai, he's literally a music prodigy but he needs to play the drum. Me and Ren none of us are professional with guitar. So the only option we've is you soobin. The show is next month. We've less than a month in hand. " Bangchan informs dolefully , sipping into his Americano.

"That's why I'm saying let's start practicing. Let soobin play the lead guitar. We don't have huge time. We even need to study as well and if I fuckin fail this time mom will throw me out for sure." Ren explains,eyes roaming from soobin to bangchan with each word.

"Alright let's start practicing from tomorrow and if he comes we'll rearrange things again. It's not a big deal." Bangchan finally brings a conclusion for the long one hour conversation .

It's so embarrassing that  I haven't uploaded in  a month. I'm sorry .

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