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Yeonjun was kinda surprised to see that soobin lives in the downside of the city in one of those tall apartments which he and Minho was once planning to book a flat at but he successfully hides his excitement.
Soobin presses fifteen on the elevator and exchanges a small glance with Yeonjun.
The enclosed space with its mirrored walls reflects the occupants, the soft hum of the elevator moving, the subtle creaking of the cables everything feels prominent .The lighting seems dim and moody to Yeonjun as it passes each floor.

"Do you live alone?"  Yeonjun fails to resist his curiosity anymore.

"Yes. I've just moved recently here. I used to live in a dorm ." Soobin simply replies his eyes looking at the floor designator button.

"Do you work? I mean it's expensive for a student to afford a flat in such an edifice apartment ."

"Of course I do. How do you think I manage my expenses here? I work as a video editor for an unofficial company."
Yeonjun was about to say something when the elevator wide opens with a gentle ding. Soobin gestures him to get down first and Yeonjun does.

"I haven't arranged things yet." Soobin says while unlocking the door and Yeonjun feels a subtle comfort in himself. The fresh scent of
the newly painted flat lingers in the air, the walls gleaming with a smooth, even coat of paint, and the vibrant colors bringing life to the rooms. The surfaces looks smooth . Yeonjun doesn't feels foreign , he doesn't feels it's his first time coming to this place.

"Well so you see I haven't bought a new bed yet I just have the old one in my room-"

"Soobin." Yeonjun interrupts and looks at soobin gently, " do you think I can really sleepy right now ?  I'm going to the balcony to smoke and if I feel sleepy I'm just gonna take a nap in the sofa." He indicates to the cozy sofa in the living room where they are standing. Soobin doesn't complains and nodes before going to his bedroom.
Yeonjun keeps standing there for a few minutes more before walking to the balcony attached to the living room.

The city looks much more different than it looked from the balcony of the apartment Yeonjun shared with Minho. It looks more lively and fierce. It has already stopped snowing making the night glowing with incandescent starlight, casting a brilliant chiaroscuro effect. The fragrance of the cold and paint lingers through Yeonjun's nose making him feel elated. Yeonjun sighs and holds the railing , heartbroken and in need of some ignition that lights the fuse of his numbness, something to take him far away from his despair, though no fuse becomes lit , the tip of his cigarette  surely does. One he has freshly picked out of the his new packet.The job of lightening is done by a silver greyish  lighter that births a thin and orange flame. His lips hold the cigarette perfectly ,thick , pink and pouty and sits between them was the fatality. The cancerous object gives him relief from his agony for a certain time. the taste of smoke lingers on Yeonjun's lips, the warmth of it's touch against the cold night, and the electricity in the air acts as the  desire which simmers between them.
He enjoys his time enjoying the glorious view totally forgetting where he's. But before Yeonjun could inhale  the second puff of his third cigarette thick fingers apparate infront of his face grabbing  away the cigarette and  catching him off guard.
"Let me-"
"It's not good for your health jjun ."
It's not the first time Yeonjun is hearing this from soobin. During their relationship soobin always used to lecture him about the bad effects of smoking like a nutritionist. But this time it sounds different. Soobin's voice comes out silky and resonate at the same time. Something which makes Yeonjun's stomach twitch due to an odd feeling.
But soobin doesn't let Yeonjun dig into deeper thoughts as he astonishes the older by attaching the cigarette to his lips contradicting his statement as he inhales swiftly and shallows a light puff of smoke before letting the excess out .

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