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"there's no hope,is there any ?" Chan sits beside soobin who was busy swigging on his water.

"I still don't know hyung. Maybe he'll be back but not yet?" Soobin wipes his sweat from his forehead with the  backside of his palm, plainly looking at chan.

"Soobin look." Chan calmly calls his name,and wriggles his whole body towards him emphasizing a firm eye contact.
"Let's just assume he won't come back and let's practice with our everything yeah? You know it's either a hit or a miss. And I've been working in this band since three years and in these three years this kind of opportunity has never touched our luck so this is our chance to  finally accomplish something big.
You understand right?" The calmness yet uneasiness is thickly visible in chan's eyes.
Soobin understands,he surely does but still his heart aches ,this wasn't the purpose for him to come Seoul.

"I'll give my everything and practice hard till the performance. I promise hyung." Soobin reassures chan giving him a smile of assurance.
Chan nodes along.


Yeonjun sits at his easel near the large window overlooking what should have been the lake. It's frozen over and over as far as his eyes could reach are blankets of snow.
Yeonjun should have felt freezing near the thin glass of the window that has small fragments of ice crackling at the corner of the pane . Except he couldn't feel much else other than the fact that he's all alone once again. Yeonjun's eyes shifts on the white paint that's wearing off the edges.

He walks to the wall and his eyes softens ,he touches the wall "everybody ignores and walks passing you because you're wretched and abandoned , just like me." He sniggers.
This slightly old looking building is his home place right after he discovered it. He knew that everyone will ignore this building either being sacred of ghosts or because it's kinda shabby and people are fond of hygiene.

Yeonjun is now standing Infront of the large mirror . He scans himself. "Wow I look pathetic and miserable." He says to himself and goes to turn on the music.

Time to dance.

This side of Yeonjun has always been hidden from everyone and he promised to himself that it'll always remain hidden,no matter what.


It's almost midnight but Soobin's late night ramen craving never compromises with the time . And when he searches up the shelves tiptoeing not to wake up his room mate but all he sees is empty shelves. He was pretty sure that it's his roommates friends who comes most of the evening in their dorm to hangout and finishes the packets because soobin never misses to at least store 2-3 packets of ramen in the shelves. Soobin doesn't even complain because he's new here and he doesn't wants to get bullied . He's scared even if his roommate seems friendly.

So he finally reaches out  his hoodie and starts walking for the store. There are a few people in the street and most of them seems to be returning home unlike him.  soobin finally arrives at the departmental store shivering and gritting his teeth in cold. It has started snowing again. And there's a possibility of snow storm around 3 am in the morning which soobin already checked in the weather report. Soobin is always updated with these kind of things. The automated door opens and a middle aged lady greets soobin.
He bows back and quickly picks two packets of carbonara. After collecting his change he was about step out through the door when he gets crashed with someone on the exit .

"Hey I'm really sorry." Soobin quickly apologies and picks up his ramen the other person was entering the store so he assumedly had his hands empty.

"The fuck,are your blind or wh- " The person starts ballistically growls at Soobin but stops midway.
"Soo..Soobin?" His voice quickly turns softer.

"Yeah you're Y ..Yeun ..I mean the bartender right?" Soobin embarrassingly chuckles scratching his head, embarrassed for forgetting his name.

"Yeonjun." Yeonjun declares.

"Oh right. Yeonjun. I'm really sorry once again." Soobin quickly takes out his handkerchief from his pocket and bends down to wipe off the snow from Yeonjun's leg .

"Hey what're you doing?" Yeonjun upon simmers of oddness quickly picks him up holding his shoulders. Realizing there's a distance of only a splinter of  hair between them Yeonjun immediately moves back creating a small but perceptible gap between them .

"If um.. you're really sorry not for the crash but for forgetting my name then let's have ramen together?" Yeonjun's eyes indicates the two packets of ramen in Soobin's hand.

"Ramen?" Soobin asks hesitantly, gripping the packets of ramen more tightly creating a crackling sound.

"Oh my god if you're really gatekeeping them so desperately then you should've at least put them inside a bag?" Yeonjun giggles and looks back at the store.

"No no you're misunderstanding me. I umm.." Soobin hunchbacks and gives Yeonjun a packet of ramen . "You can have it at home." He chuckles looking down at his shoes, incite on ignoring an eye contact.

"Hey I was just kidding. I came to buy some candies for my grandma, she was craving something sweet that's why ." Yeonjun tries to give back the ramen but soobin denies .
And Yeonjun had already turned shameless at this point so it doesn't effects him much to take foods from others.

"Alright if you're insisting I'm taking it." He finally agrees and receives a smile from soobin in return and as always his dimples doesn't fails to mesmerize Yeonjun.
Yeonjun would've done every possible thing to make the guy Infront of him smile and he even  doesn't knows why.


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