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Yeonjun assumed that they would get both different ways after the crash. But they physically can't. Now, they both are skating in the same low pace , Yeonjun is sure he's stuck skating with soobin until either of them falls again or get off the ice. It has the same feeling as saying someone goodbye and walking in the same direction. It's not too bad though, either way the awkwardness between them after the make out session can get doomed also, there's solidarity over not being the only one on the rink that obviously can't skate.

"Skating is fun with a company." Soobin says slowly.

"More fun when the company is as slow as you." Soobin giggles with the joke. Not it wasn't a joke but the reality.  Yeonjun notices the so not subtle dimples of soobin under the night light. Soobin's wearing a blue puffer jacket and a white knitted scarf. He looks soft and sweet. Yes yeonjun still has that weaker feelings for the taller guy .

Yeonjun fake coughs and clears his throat trying not to stare at soobin for too long "so here all by yourself?"

"No I came with a bandmate , but he had to leave because his sister apparently bleached her hair wrong and is now shuffling the house ."

"Damn. Thank God I've no siblings." Yeonjun throws a deflated sigh.

"Well, siblings might be pain in ass sometimes but they're just your bestest friend other time." Soobin protests.

"Anyways let's focus on skating if don't want to crash on someone once again ."

It took almost 20 minutes to get around the rink but with soobin it didn't feel as slow .
Aside from bonding over their skating ability they had good bad bickering about siblings, family and more. Intentionally or unintentionally none of them brought the past incident.

Light snow begins to fall and Soobin looks up, admiring the atmosphere, precisely the night sky. Yeonjun glances at soobin who looks like an adorable waddling penguin.
He brings both hands to rub at his shoulders pretending that he's shivering "zzzzz...it's so cold!!"

"Is it suppose to be hot in the middle of January?" Soobin tilts his head and giggles.

"Well, if I could manage a partner to hold hands it would be nicer." Yeonjun makes a discontented face , a glimpse of fake regret.

"Too sad that everyone here has a partner except us." Soobin reciprocates the same expression as Yeonjun. He's of course making the shorter boy work hard.

"Mhmm ...soobin how was your show you mentioned last time ?" yeonjun wasn't any less stubborn so he just deflates.

"Oh, it was great. Students posted us on internet and it went viral as well. Many seniors even approached me lol . But Chan hyung shoo-ed saying "my boy just turned 18."  Soobin giggles through the words .

"Just 18? When was your birthday Soobin?"
Yeonjun asks disquieting his voice.

"5th of December."

"Damn. I missed a junction." Yeonjun pouts.

"Junction?" Soobin giggles. "I didn't do much. . School was also off due to winter vacation yet some of my classmates I don't know how come they knew wished me online. That's it."

"You didn't cut a cake?' Yeonjun asks with revolt as if he ever cut a birthday cake after his 7th birthday.

"No. And it's actually fine." Soobin assures with a small smile .

"I don't have enough money with me right now but let's cut a cake some other day please." Yeonjun offers , a little bit enthusiasm playing in him.

"What if we stay together till my next birthday and not cut  a belated birthday cake but a preemptive one." Soobin asks with a nervous smile and lifts his eyebrows.

"Are you by any chance proposing me Mr.?" Yeonjun lifts an eyebrow, and crosses his arms.
Soobin's face turns red with in a split second and of course it's not from cold.

"What if I am?" But he handles it with a resonate voice.
It's not summer yet but Yeonjun could've just melted if he  didn't immediately clenched Soobin's hand.
"I'll gladly except it soobin." Yes, Yeonjun was unloved, he needed love , he was desperate for it  . But no you can't say Yeonjun would've held any stranger's hand like that because if he wanted that he'd except all the approaches he got working in the bar after soobin left that day. But his desperation was just for this particular guy which he himself never realized until now.



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