Sweet Things Must Be Protected

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My chance to mess up everything that is holy and precious came earlier than I thought. I was walking up and down in the main house. I didn't do anything special, I just enjoyed my new freedom. Since I can walk I am not bound to someone to carry me around. Esme was behind me of course following me around. My earlier games made them suspicious about my every move. Nonetheless it was worth it.

When I entered the living room I found my family there. Renesmee was sitting with Alice, Rosalie and our mom on the sofa. They were talking about new clothes and Alice let my sister chose something for herself. Renesmee was looking at the magazine frowning. She can't decide. I danced to them easily and asked.

"What are you doing?" I peeked up at them holding the armrest of the sofa. I can't wait to grow taller. This shortness makes things extra hard. Bella took me up and seated me in her lap as she smiled.

"We are looking for winter clothes. Do you want to choose?"

I nodded eagerly. Of course that's why I came here. I looked at the pictures in Ren's hands. Wow these are some high fashion coats. Of course Alice wont let us wear anything less.

"I think the green is pretty too." Alice chimed in trying to help Ren to choose.

"No... i don't think so..." She said slowly. They were like this since the morning and now it is almost lunch. It is lucky that we have forever cause as long as it takes to Renesmee to chose we need that much time.

"You should pick something sturdy." Esme stepped behind us and said. "If they start to play outside they have to be wearing something strong."

"You maybe right." Bella gave it a thought.

"Not to talk about when they start to hunt." Emmett said from the other side of the room. He and Jasper were wrestling on the coffee table. With a large crack Emmett pushed Jasper's arm down.
"Booyah. It's a three against one!" He celebrated his win. God sometimes Renesmee is more mature than he is.

"I asked you a thousands of time to take these competitions outside! Just look what have you done!" Esme scolded them. It was the fifth furniture that was broken this week.

"Hunting must be a good idea. They have to learn it one day and at least it will bound down Carlie's free energy." Edward led the conversation on like nothing happened. The other two started to clean the mess that they did.

"Aren't they too young for that?" Bella asked worriedly.

I listened closely as they talked. It is almost winter. If we go outside hunting Irina will see us and run straight to Italy. Irina will come evidently, but if she would be closer than the hills... If we won't start hunting just now... I have to intervene.

"But isn't hunting dangerous?" I chimed in, hitting my innocent child tone.

"No you are vampires. You will learn it in no time." Emmett said encouragingly. My worry is not enough to back off the plan. I need to push more.

"But what if someone sees us?" Now this question brought Edward's attention. Just what goes inside my head?What am I really afraid of?

"Why would it be so bad if someone sees you?" He asked

"Because.... we are....immortal children." I made it sound like I am not sure what I am talking about. I thought this way I can get around the matter without revealing the real deal.

The whole family looked at me like I said a horrible thing. Of course I did. And I was fully aware of that fact.

"Carlie." Jasper said carefully."Do you know what an immortal child is?"

"Yes." i nodded "An immortal child is a vampire child. Like we are." I said like I was reading it from a book. It helped a lot that Emmett called it first. They looked more concerned now. The whole point was to draw their attention to the similarities. I hope it works.

My cliché life as Renesmee's twinWhere stories live. Discover now