Until They Return

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Yesterday Alice and Jasper went with Kachiri to find Nahuel just like in the original. Renesmee's bright giggle filled up the jungle. She and Zafrina made a quick friendship from the first day. The wild lady would show Ren a lot of interesting things and in exchange Ren showed her own pictures. It somewhat pleased me that the main bonds are still achievable without the war that the Volturi presented in the books. In that case if I find Garett and I introduce him to aunty Kate they might end up together too. That would be nice. I always liked them together. They had a good chemistry and the Denali sisters do need some healthy relationships in their lives.

Staying with the Amazons was chill. Zafrina kept Ren entertained while Senna presented a good company for my mother. Edward and Jacob graciously stood aside and let us live out our girly bonding time. Today they left to pack up some human food for us. Mainly we asked for sweets but I am sure they will limit our choices into the healthy ones. Senna taught Bella some fancy braids and of course I was the mannequin. She was finishing my tenth hairstyle when Renesmee rushed to us.

"Mom! Mom! You have to see this! Zafrina show them!" She commended. She was very excited. She pulled Zafrina from her arms to show us the color changing giant butterflies that they had created over the days.

"I am not sure that Zafrina can show us anything." I told her, smiling. I just had to pop her bubble.

"What? Why?" Renesmee stopped.

"Because of our shield you nut." I told her, smiling. Ren totally forgot that Zafrina's earlier illusion didn't work on us either. She made a disappointed face.

"Carlie be nice." Bella scolded me.

"Sorry." I just shrugged. Sisterly joking is necessary sometimes.

"Shield? Is this your ability?" Zafrina asked.

"Yes it is. It's a defensive skill. We can block out others' talents." Bella explained.

"How interesting. Did Carlie inherited it from you?" Zafrina found this topic interesting.

"Yes. Actually they had multiple powers." Our mom started.

And here came the long history of what power came from whom and how we changed it. As if we had any say in it. It was a good hour conversation. Until the adults were talking Renesmee showed me her butterflies herself. She wasn't satisfied as Zafrina could override all of the senses and she couldn't do that. The experience wasn't perfect as she told me. I tried to convince her that it was beautiful either way but she didn't believe me. She never did.

"So did you train your shield?" Zafrina asked me after they talked about our mother's training in Denali.

"No. Mom didn't let me practice with Aunty Kate." I told her. Truth be told after my trick to get Bella to make progress I never counted on that they would allow me.

"Kate's power is much more offensive than illusions. We were afraid that she got hurt." Bella explained their overprotectiveness.

"We can train now." Senna offered.

"Can we?" I asked. Also this question was aimed at Bella rather for the amazons. She thought about it for a moment.

"I think we can try." Bella agreed.

"Finally! When can we start?" I was overjoyed.

Senna, Zafrina and Bella laughed at me. They found my enthusiasm cute. I didn't. But what mattered to me was that I finally got to learn my second ability. My first lesson was basically the same that my mother received. Try to visualize the shield. So I tried. I tried to give color to it. A feel to it. Even a taste to it. I tried everything that i could to get a hold on it and push it away even just a little bit. But it didn't work. I felt nothing. There was nothing.

My cliché life as Renesmee's twinWhere stories live. Discover now