Mommas baby

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| Mommas baby |

Fatima finished checking out everything and Zac helped her load her car. She literally had bought half the store and it was hard to fit.

"I think that's everything," Zac told her.

"Thank you so much, umm... I didn't get your name. " Fatima said.

"Zac, Zachary Taylor" he replied with a smile. "Thank you again for all you've done for me."

"What did I do?" Fatima asked.

"Purchasing from the store, giving me advice, being so kind, all of it. You're nothing like Ric-" Zac took a pause, remembering what he was told last night.

"Like who?" Fatima asked.

"Like other rich folks that come around here," he says, trying to cover up what he was about to say.

"Mm, well all rich folks aren't the same, some of us like to keep our dignity." She tells him.

"I appreciate you" Zac said again.

"Don't mention it," Fatima replied. "What time do you close this place?"

"Usually around 6:30, but since it's been slow I just close up whenever I'm tired of sitting here." He told her and Fatima got an idea.

"How about you close up and you can help me get these toys to the children in the neighborhood?" She asked him.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Of course, I need the help and your store could use the promotion and who better to do that than the store owner." She sassy, "come on , get in."

"Okay, um, just let me lock this place up and I'll be right out." Zac went in and locked everything up and he came back out. They went around the neighborhood where they set up a table laid out with all the toys. Each child was able to pick out any toy they want and the families was able to get a picture with the famous "Fatima Wilson" she made sure to include Zac in every picture and also mention his store to everyone that came by. Once they wrapped up Zac helped her take everything down and load the table and things back into her car.

"That was so much fun," Amir said, "thanks for helping us Mr. Taylor."

"It's no problem little man, just call me Zac." He dapped him up. "You have the best Christmas and you make sure mommy does too."

"I will and I want you to have the best Christmas too Zac!" Amir says. "You're my new friend."

"Aw thank you man, you're so cool," Zac hugged him and Amir hugged him back.

"Will you come over for Christmas dinner?" Amir asked him.

"Amir!" Fatima intervened. "I'm sure he has his own kids and wife to spend the holidays with."

"Well do you?" Amir asked.

"Actually, I'm not married and I don't have kids," Zac chuckled.

"See mommy, can he come please?" He gave her puppy dog eyes.

"It's fine with me....Zac?"

"Sure I can swing by, there's no problem." Zac agreed.

"Yay! I can show you all my games and my basketball court and my toys and my boy cave and-"

"Mir, sweetheart slow down." Fatima and Zac chuckled at him. "Zachary, what's your number? I'll text you my address on Christmas Eve and I have to add you to the list so they'll let you through the gate."

"Oh of course," Zac tells Fatima his number.

"It was nice meeting you," She gave him a hug for what felt like whatever. She was lost in that moment. He smelled so good and his muscles gripped her so well, she felt like she never wanted to let go.

"Mommy!" Amir called out.

"Huh?" She finally snapped out of it releasing the hug. "Um Zac see you in a few days." She said as she helped Amir into the car.


Once Zac got in the house and got settled in he realized it was very quiet and he handing heard a word from his mother. He decided to get up and go in her room to check on her. When he knocked on her door there was no response so he just assumed she was asleep. He cracked the door to take a peep when he saw her laying there. He shut the door back and went into his room and called it a night.

Now Zac wakes up during the night to use the bathroom and he realized it was still quiet. If his mom takes a nap during the day, she's usually back up by the time he gets up during the night time. This alarmed him. He went into his mothers room again and she was still laying in the same position, she hadn't moved. This sent Zac in a panic and he went over to check her pulse and there wasn't one. He quickly called the ambulance.

Over at the hospital Zac was in shambles. All he had left was his mother. Waiting for the doctors he was growing impatient.

"Is my mother okay?" He asked the receptionist. "I keep asking y'all the same thing and nobody has come out to speak with me yet."

"Sir," the woman said, "as soon as we have an update on her, I promise we will let you know something too."

"This is bullshit!" Zac said, walking away from the desks to sit back in his seat. A few minutes had passed by and he saw a little boy being rushed in by an ambulance.

"It's okay baby, mommy is right behind you." He heard a familiar voice say and he saw Fatima.

"Fatima?" Zac said getting up, "is he okay?"

"Oh hey Zac," Fatima stopped, "he's okay, he just got a cut on his leg and he's a little bit dramatic."

"What are you doing here?" She asked him.

Zac put his head down

"I told you about that," she lifts his chin. "Whats going on?"

"My moms, I came home and I thought she was napping but when I checked on her later she wasn't moving or breathing and I've been here for hours nobody won't tell me anything." Zac informs her.

"Wait right here," Fatima walked over to the receptionist. "How long has that young man been sitting there with no help? Do you want your job?"

"I'm sorry ma'am but we don't have any information on his mother." She explained to Fatima.

"Well you have 5 minutes to get some or I'm going over top of everybody's head." Fatima left walking back over to Zac.

"They'll be out in no longer than 5 minutes, I have to go check on my boy, are you okay?" Fatima asked.

"I'll try to be, you go check on your son, I'll be fine." Zac tells her.  "Thank you."

"Don't mention it," Fatima says. "I'll be back and check on you as soon as we're done."

About 10 minutes had passed and the doctor finally came out.

"Hello Mr. Taylor can I speak with you?" She said as she approached him.

"Of course, is my mother okay?" Zac asked her.

"We tried our best to do everything that we could and I mean everything, your mother held on for a second there but unfortunately she didn't make it." The doctor explained to him.

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