The blogs

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"Mommy, where have you been?" Amir asked running up to hug her. He loved being with his grandparents until they stopped giving him candy. "Nana and papa were being very mean."

"I'm sorry baby, mommy had to help our toy store friend with his problem." Fatima tells him. "Are you sure they were being mean or did they stop giving you sweets?"

"That's no fair, I wanted to see him too" Amir pouts.

"You'll see him in just a couple more days for Christmas." Fatima tells him. "Momma thank you for keeping him for me."

"You don't have to thank me for keeping my grandson," Lisa responded to her daughter. "Just next time make sure you pick him up on time, I was almost late for sister Cheryl's birthday celebration, I have to get going."

"Yes ma'am, I'm sorry, it won't happen again." Fatima responded to her mother. "Come on buddy, let's get you home."

Fatima got Amir situated into the car and they headed home. When they arrived she made sure to do some activities with him because he was still upset about her not taking him with her to see Zac. They baked cookies, decorated stockings and finally put the topper on the Christmas tree. She even played a couple games with him on his PS5. This all quickly came to an end when she got a phone call.

"One second baby, let me see who this is." Fatima got up from the other gaming chair.

"Hello?" She answered, confused because it was a blocked number.

"Ti?" Ricky's voice came through the phone but it was like a whisper.

"Oh hell no! Why are you calling my fucking phone?" Fatima was immediately pissed off. "You stood my son up for the 100th time and have the audacity to be calling me? Fuck you!" She hung up in his face without giving him a chance to speak. She walked back into the room when she got a text.

So this what you doing now?
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Ricky🚮So this what you doing now?< 1 attached image >

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| I tried 😂 appreciate me |


Fatima wasn't phased by Ricky but she was worried about this picture all over the blogs of her kissing some guy outside in public like that. She ignored Ricky's text and went and FaceTimed Zac.

"Hey, I was looking forward to your call." He answered.

"Hey, how are you doing over there?" Fatima smiled at him.

"I feel a little better than I did before," Zac smiled back at her. "I have you to thank for that."

"Stop it," she blushed. "Seriously tho, how are you mentally?"

"I mean it.... It hurts but, as much as I hate to say it, I was prepared for it." Zac replied. "My mom was on drugs bad and then when she got sick with cancer she stopped. But she didn't let go of cigarettes. We all know that doesn't mix." He explained. "I just wish she listened to me and took care of herself and I felt like she just didn't care how losing her would effect me. My mom is all I had literally after my papa died. Now it's just me."

"You're not alone, I'm here, Amir is here. We're going to be there for you every step of the way. I know it won't be the same as having your mother or your grandfather with you but you will not go through this alone I promise." Fatima told him. "Losing someone can put you in a dark place and I don't want that for you. You deserve some type of happiness at the end of all this hurt."

"I appreciate that," Zac's emotions started to set in.

"Don't cry, you're going to make me cry." Fatima could feel her eyes getting watery as she watched his tears fall.

"I don't want to dump all this on you. We just met, you have your own life going on, it's the holidays. It's not fair to you." He explained.

"Stop doing that! You're not putting anything on me Zac I-"

"Then what is this? Because it seems like I'm trauma dumping on you and this is a pitty patty." Zac interrupted.

"It's not! Why are you so scared to let someone be there for you?" Fatima asked.

"Because eventually you'll get tired and you'll leave. You won't be around for long and I don't want to get used to having a friend in you." Zac admits.

"Mommy is that Mr. Zac" Amir runs in.

"Yes baby, it is." Fatima quickly wiped her eyes.

"Can I talk to him?" Amir asked.

"Of course, here" she hands him the phone.

"Hey little man," Zac says.

"What's wrong?" Amir noticed the discomfort on Zac's face.

"Just having a rough day, what's up? How are you today?" Zac asked him.

"I'm good, mommy took me to nana and papa house and she told me she saw you today and I was sad and she said you coming for Christmas so I was happy again and she played games with me-" he starts rambling

"Amir buddy, slow down" Fatima chuckled. "He's not going anywhere, he's listening, take your time."

"Sorry, daddy always tells me to make it quick cause he has to go." He replied with a pouty face.

"Hey," Zac says. "You don't have to rush with me. We can talk all night if you want."

"Really?" He smiled

"Of course man, how about you show me your games like we talked about."

Amir ran off with Fatima's phone and talked to Zac for about an hour before he got sleepy and brung the phone back to Fatima. "Here mommy, thank you Z." Amir says before running off.

"Z? Y'all got nicknames already? I'm hating" Fatima chuckled.

"Jealousy looks good on you." Zac smiled

"Oh please," She playfully rolled her eyes.

They got quiet for a moment before Zac broke the silence. "I'm sorry about how I acted earlier. I'm just not used to someone caring so much." He admits.

"I get it." Fatima said softly. "But Zac I am not that person. When I say I got you, I got you."

"You promise?"

"I promise." She reassured him.

They talked for a few hours about life and just getting to know each other. They talked about literally everything they could think of and they were loving every moment of it. Fatima's face quickly changed when she got another call from Ricky but she didn't answer it.

"You okay?" Zac asked noticing her energy shift.

"Yea, just Amir's dad keeps calling me today." Fatima rolled her eyes. "That reminds me, there's a picture of us kissing outside your apartment building on the blogs. Just in case you run into it."

"Oh I don't care about that. How do you feel about it?" He asked her.

"Doesn't bother me none. I'm grown and I can do what I want I don't owe these fans no explanation. " Fatima told him. "I have a life too."

"But what if people assume we're dating? I don't want to be the cause of you not finding anyone." Zac responded.

"Zac," Fatima said. "I said I don't care about it. It doesn't bother me seriously."

"You sure?" He asked again.

"Yes I'm sure and besides-" Fatima took a pause when she got another text message, this time from Darcie.

Have you seen this?
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THE SHADE ROOM: Oops, famous singer Fatima Wilson's new boy toy hired by her ex Ricky?
| imagine a pic of Ricky handing Zac that stack of money 😂 |

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