I don't know what this is..

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After Amir's leg is all patched up and they were free to go, Fatima came back to the waiting room area looking for Zac who was nowhere in sight.

"Hey ma'am, do you know what happened to Zachary?" She asked the lady at the desk who was looking confused.

"The guy I asked you to help earlier, where is he?" Fatima asked

"Oh him, he left about 15 minutes ago," the lady told her.

"And his mom?" Fatima asked

"I'm sorry ma'am, I can't share that information with you." She replied.

"Whatever," Fatima rolled her eyes. "Come on buddy, let's get you home." She grabbed Anir's hand. Fatima was never that rude to anyone but that lady had been on her bad side for a while at the hospital.

It was now nearing about 8am and Fatima was home. She couldn't stop thinking about Zac and she really wanted to know if he was okay. She decided to give him a call but he didn't answer. She didn't want to intrude on his privacy but she also knew he was facing a lot so she decided to contact her connects and see if she can get an exact address on him. About 3 hrs later she finally got something back and she decided she would check on him. After she dropped Amir off to her moms, she headed Zac's apartment. 

*knock knock knock*

She stood there for a few minutes and he finally opened the door.

"What are you doing here?" Zac asked her with the door cracked just enough for her to see him.

"I just wanted to check on you, can I come in?" Fatima asked in a soft tone.

Zac hesitated a little but he welcomed her in. Fatima could tell in his demeanor that something was off with him.

"How are you doing?" She asked, "did you get to see your mom?"

Zac nodded, "she's dead, the last person I had is fucking dead! I HAVE NOBODY!" His shouting triggered Fatima a little but she didn't let that push her away.

"I'm sorry," she wrapped him into a hug, "I'm so sorry for your loss." As Zac cried in her shoulder it was getting to her and she let a couple of tears drop.

About 3 hours passed and Zac was waking up, realizing he was laying in between the legs of a woman that smell melted his heart.

"Hey, you're up." Fatima said, rubbing his face. "How do you feel?"

"Much better, thank you" Zac responded. "How long have I been sleep?"

"A few hours, I didn't want to wake you. All that crying you did, I know you needed the rest." Fatima explained, "unfortunately I do have to go though."

"Oh of course, I know you have to get back to your son, I'm sorry about all this." Zac sits up.

"Don't be sorry, I wanted to be here for you and I'd do it again in a heart beat." Fatima tells him.

"At least let me walk you to your car," Zac insisted. "This is a pretty rough neighborhood."

"Thanks but, ima big girl" she smiled, "I can handle myself."

"Nonsense," Zac gets up, "After you."

Zac walked Fatima out to her car.

"If you need anything, make sure you call me." She hugged him so tightly. "I'm always here and don't forget that."

"I won't," Zac said, not realizing they were still in the hug.

"Fatima?" Zac whispered in her ear.

"Hm?" She said, coming out of her trance.

"You know you're still holding me, right?" He chuckled a bit.

"Just 2 more minutes," she said resting her head on his shoulder. Zac lift her up and she wrapped her legs around him, he held her like a baby.

"I don't know what's bothering you or what's on your heart, but it'll get better." Zac quoted Fatima's words back to her.

She lifted her head from his shoulders and looked him in his eyes as he was holding her. They got lost for a moment before their lips met one another's. The sparks was high and the both of them forgot it was broad daylight and they were in the middle of his apartment parking lot. But that didn't stop them. Zac slightly leaned Fatima up against her truck and deepened their kiss. This lasted about 5 minutes before Fatima broke the kiss and Zac let her down.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to overstep," Zac spoke breaking the silence. Fatima didn't say anything. She tapped the alarm on her truck and took Zac by the hand leading him back up to his apartment. Once they were inside, she walked him over to the couch and he took a seat.

"Everything you're going through, I want you to release it," she said softly as she started to remove her clothes slowly while he watched. He felt his erection as she revealed that perfect body to him. Zac followed her lead and began undressing himself. He was nervous because he wasn't sure fully if she was serious or not this was so random. How they got from point A to point B had him lost but he was in lust and wasn't about to ruin the moment.

Fatima was now ready because in the back of her mind she was also confused but she knew her body wanted him and that kiss made her lust after him as well. Finally she got up the courage to go for it she positioned herself on top of him. Slowly sliding down on to him they both released a gasp.

"You okay?" Zac whispers to her. 

"Mhm" Fatima replied as they moved at a steady pace, matching each others rhythm.

Zac was taking his time because he could tell she was adjusting to his size.

"Fuuuck" left her lips as she made it all the way down now taking him all in. Once Zac knew she was adjusted he gripped her hips with both hands picking up his pace more and more as he thrusted into her from underneath. "Oh my-shittt" Fatima softly grabbed Zac by his neck kissing his lips. Zac was so into the moment he started going crazy. "Right there!" Fatima whispered in his ear. "Release it all baby." Zac was now pounding into her. This was different for her but it felt so good she loved every moment of it. His aggression was sending her into a trance. She tried to keep focus and talk him through his nut but her orgasm was sneaking up on her. She gripped his neck a little tighter and looked him in his eyes. "I-I'm cunning, fuck!" She released but that didn't stop Zac. He had so much left in him. "Pleaseee cum," she begged as he continued to thrust. Now switching roles he now had his hand around her neck, taking her right nipple into his mouth as she bounced up and down on him. "I c-can't take no more Zac pleasee" she screamed as she felt herself about to cum again. Fatima reached her peak yet again and this time Zac followed after her. "SHIT!" He let go of everything he was holding on to in that moment.

| Y'all I did my best! Do not judge me😂 |


Fatima rested her head on Zac's shoulder and he wrapped his arms around her as their naked body heat combined. "Thank you," Zac whispered. "I'm sorry this happened like this though."

"Don't be," Fatima responded. "We didn't do anything I didn't want to do from the moment I saw you." She kissed his cheek.

"I don't know what this is, but I don't want it to stop." Zac confessed.

"Me either," Fatima responded.

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