Playing their game.

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Fatima was getting ready to go out and do sound check but Zac could tell that she was uncomfortable and bothered by something. He held both of her hands and looked her in the eyes.

"It's okay, I'm here, Amir is here. We got you." Zac told before kissing her on the lips.

"I just know my son is about to need up on somebody's blog again." Fatima said angrily. "I can't believe she's been watching me like that this whole time. It wasn't processing at first but then I realized some of the things the blogs had could've only come from someone close and I don't trust many people."

"You think she was there for that? I mean all she could've saw was him hug me and y'all at the door." Zac says. "Shit, I'm sorry about all this, it's my fault."

"Stop it, it's not your fault at all." Fatima reassured him. "People like her will do anything for money." She rolled her eyes. "It didn't even have to be like this I did everything for her and expected nothing in return I genuinely cared about this girl."

"We can jump her," Zac said and Fatima bust out laughing. "No but seriously, she's going to realize she fucked up when she needs you again and you're not there. As for the her sending anything to these blog sites we can fight that legally."

"I'm tired of doing that," Fatima said, "I have a better idea though" she grabbed Zac's hand. "Come with me."


Over in New York City, Ricky and Sasha had just come back from taking Sophia to see the Christmas lights.

"Daddy, can we go home now?" His daughter asked him.

"Not yet, I still have some things to do out here and then we can go home." Ricky replied.

"What's so important? My daughter is ready to get back to Atlanta and enjoy Christmas in her own home." Sasha input herself in their conversation.

"Look, until I figure out who's following me around Atlanta, this is where we will be." Ricky shut her down.

"What are you so afraid of them seeing?" Sasha asked.

"Man not right now, okay? Damn lay off my fucking back!" Ricky walked out of his New York City penthouse and got in his car and drove to a nearby bar. When he got there he found himself drowning in alcohol when some random female walked up to him.

"That shit hurts huh?" She asked.

"Excuse you?" He replied.

"All the shit you've done to her over the years and now she's coming out with a man you're in here killing your liver." The woman said.

"Look bitch," Ricky said and the woman slapped him.

"Watch your fucking mouth! I don't know who you think you are." She said.  "Don't be mad at me be mad at yourself." She walked off.

"What the fuck is wrong with these broads?"

He pulled out his phone realizing he's been out for over 2 hour and his notifications was going off. Every blog had him tagged in a post.  When he say it, he saw red and he was ready to be on the first flight back to Atlanta.

#stepdaddyseason? Looks like Fatima Wilson and her new boo are having family time with baby Amir.

Luvfatimamarie: Put this on y'all blogs 😜

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Luvfatimamarie: Put this on y'all blogs 😜


Fast forward a couple hours and Fatima was finishing up rehearsal. Everything went good and she was all prepared for the Christmas show tomorrow. Her phone was indeed blowing up too but she was 100% unbothered.

"Mommy are we going back to Zi's house?" Amir asked as they were driving.

"No baby, we're going to get your games and then we're going home. Tomorrow is Christmas." Fatima told him.

"But that's not fair you said I could stay for 2 hours and we didn't even stay." Amir said, straight face, he was not playing.

"Amid, drop it! You'll see him tomorrow at dinner." Fatima said, sternly.

"I don't like you right now you're being mean." Amir responded kicking the back of Fatima's seat.

"Pull over Zac." Fatima said.

"What for?" Zac asked.

"Can you just do what I asked please?" Fatima said in response. Zac pulled over and Fatima got out the car, opening Amir's door and she popped his leg. "I don't tolerate the disrespect and you know that get yourself together before Christmas be cancelled all together." Fatima shut his door and got back inside. Amir was now in full on tears like she had killed him. Zac was giving her the side eye.

"What?" She said to him.

"Was the hit really necessary?" He asked.

"Yes it was, now let's go." Fatima said and Zac shook his head at her before driving off. Fatima could tell he didn't like it because he was silent the whole rest of the way. When they pulled up to Zac's apartment Fatima decided to be petty right back with him.

"You can bring his stuff out, we'll wait out here." She said.

"Yo Fatima, get out of the car." Zac tells her with a little base in his voice.

"Yes daddy" she responded in her mind.

"We're good, I just need his stuff so we can go." She replied out loud.

"Okay," Zac said and he walked off. A few moments later he came back with Amir's bag and another bag. He walked over to the drivers side but Fatima had already switched seats.

"What are you doing?" He asked her.

"I'm about to drive home, what do you mean?" Fatima asked.

"Alright, at least get out and give me a hug first. Don't just leave like this. " he fake pouted.

Fatima was hesitant feeling like Zac was up to something but she got out. Soon as she stepped out Zac picked her up and she bust out laughing. "See can't trust niggas." She said through laughter as Zac carried her to the passengers side.

"Sit your ass down." He said putting her in the car. He walked around to the drivers side and got in. "Now where to?"

"It's already on the car GPS, just tap home." Fatima told him.

Amir was in the backseat sleeping because he had cried so much. After about 35 minutes they finally arrived at Fatima's house. Zac carried Amir to his bed because he hadn't waken up yet and then he went to spend some time with Fatima. They were cuddled up on the couch looking for a movie.

"What do you want to watch?" Fatima asked him.

"Home alone 2 lost in New York." Zac replied.

"Ew why that one? The original will always be my favorite." Fatima says.

"Yo you a hater son." Zac said. "I'm from New York."

"I could tell by the way you talk." Fatima chuckled. "I'm just messing with you."

"Naw you been lowkey hating on me and my son all day." Zac chuckled.

"Your son?" Fatima was shocked and stuck for a moment.

"Fuck! Did I say that out loud, Zac what are you doing bro? She's definitely about to kick you out." He thought to himself before responding.

"I um, I'm sorry about that. I guess I just got use to him kind of quickly I didn't mean any disrespect." Zac replied, apologetically.

Fatima didn't say anything she just pulled in for a kiss, but that was quickly cut short when the doorbell rang.

"I know this better be Jesus knocking on my door this late." Fatima pulled out her phone pulling up the ring camera.

"Oh god" she rolled her eyes.

"Who is it?" Zac asked.

"It's Ricky." She said.

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