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It's now been about 3 days and it's Christmas Eve. Fatima hasn't spoken to Zac when he calls she allows Amir to talk to him for the sake of not putting her son in grown folks business but she doesn't even acknowledge him. She had to stand on business with him and one look at him, she would fold. It wasn't that she thought he was lying about anything he said but him holding back information from her made her wonder what he was hiding.

"Mommy, Z said I can come visit him today if you say yes." Amir comes running in with the phone.

"Not today baby, mommy has rehearsal for her Christmas performance tomorrow." Fatima responded. She had to perform at the Christmas event for the families in Zac's neighborhood which she was hoping he wouldn't be at.

"But mommy instead of the nanny, I can go with Z, please" Amir pouted.

"Not this time, but I promise I'll let you see him." Fatima tried to reason with her son. He's never had a male figure in his life that actually interacted with him the way Zac does. Her father was an active grandfather when he could be but he worked and traveled a lot as well.

"Mommy it's not fair because you went to see him and you said I could soon and it's been 5 weeks." Amir exaggerated.

"It's been 3 days first of all but you know what? Fine. Go pack your snacks and change your clothes and you can stay there for 2 hours while I rehearse but that's it." Fatima gave in.

"Yay!!" Amir shouted. "I'll see you in 5 minutes Z."

"Little man calm down" Zac chuckled it'll take you a little longer than 5 minutes but I'll be here." Zac said. "Let me speak to mommy for a second.

"She never takes the phone," Amir says. "Mommy are you mad with us?"

"No baby I'm not mad, let me see the phone." Fatima took the phone this time and she just stared at Zac for a second.

"Hey," She said in a low tone.

"Wassup," Zac replied. "I just wanted to tell to bring his games so he doesn't just be here bored. I tried to tell him it wasn't much to do but he insisted."

"It's fine," she said. "I'll bring it with him."

"Okay, thanks." Zac said and they both got quiet.

"Fatima talk to me please." Zac finally came out and said.

"I have to go get ready, I'll see you in a bit" Fatima hung up and went to help Amir get his stuff ready.

"Mommy, are you mad at Z?" Amir asked her again and she kept trying to dodge the question.

"Mir, I am not mad at anyone." Fatima tells him.

"So why won't you marry him?" Amir asked.

"What? You're too young to even know about marriage boy." Fatima laughed.

"Nana and papa said when you like someone you get married." Amir replied.

"Nana and papa old baby they were born in mid evil times. Things have changed." Fatima chuckled.

"So they were slaves mommy?" Amir asked.

"Oh gosh, let's go before I be late." Fatima said grabbing his backpack with his games and things.

After about 35 minutes they arrived at Zac's house. Fatima was going to call him out to get him but she remembered the last time pictures were snapped and she did not play about the blogs and her son. She has rightfully sued two blogs already about posting her baby. Amir insisted she came in anyways. Going inside the building Fatima was met with a young girl that she knew looked familiar but she couldn't put her finger on it. She spoke to the little girl and continued upstairs to Zac's apartment.

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