The right choices

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"Mommy! Mommy! It's Christmas!!! Wake up." Amir said, jumping on her bed. "Santa came!"

"5 more minutes, Amir please." Fatima was so tired from waiting up for Zac most of the night. She realized at about 4am that it was pointless and here it now 6:30 and Amir is waking her up.

"Pleaseeee! I'm ready to open my gifts." Amir said still jumping up and down.

"Okay fine Mir, go brush your teeth and stuff and I'll meet you downstairs." Fatima gave in quick. Today was about making her son happy and she was going to do that by any means. She rolled over to check her phone and there was no messages from Zac at all. That kind of hurt a little but she didn't let that ruin her day she scrolled to her page and deleted the picture of them 3 together and went on about her morning. Completing her morning routine and heading downstairs.

"Ready mommy?" Amir asked.

"I'm ready! Here this is from nana and papa, open theirs first. " she handed him the gift and he began opening it.

"What does it say?" Fatima asked

"Um .. con.. gratuations on.. your.. new... savings account." Amir said, "mommy what's a savings account?"

"Nana and papa are making you money so when you become an adult you won't have to start from scratch. They always said when you turned 5 they'd start one." Fatima explained. "Mommy has one for you too. "

"So I have my own money?" He asked.

"Yes but you should save it for later. That's why it's called a savings." Fatima said.

"So how will I get money now?" He asked her.

"Oh boy, it's more in the box than that finish looking." Fatima chuckled.

Amir finished opening up all his gifts and he loved everything. He was eager to go and play his new game until he realized Zac wasn't there to play it with him.

"Mommy why? You said he was coming back." He said to her, face red, tears in his eyes.

"I know, and I'm sorry. Hopefully he'll stop by today and if not that's okay too. We can make the best of today and I'll even play games with you after we come from the Christmas event later." Fatima hugged her son. "Come on let's get ready to go see nana and papa."

Fatima and Amir get dressed and head over to see Fatima's parents. She's there but she's not there. It's only been a couple days and she doesn't know why Zac is taking over her mind like that but she can't stop thinking about him.

"Fatima!" Her mother called to her for the fourth time.

"Yes ma'am?" She snapped out of it.

"What is going on with you?" Her mother asked. "I called your name four times and you're over there day dreaming."

"I'm sorry mama, I'm just in my head about this performance. I haven't done something like this before. This is a very heart felt event." Fatima tried to hide the fact that she was in her emotions about a man because her mother was very judgmental.

"Girl don't you know you can't lie to me. I saw that photo you posted on your instasnap account." Her mother replied.

"My what mama?" Fatima asked with a slight chuckle.

"Instasnap Snapchat whatever you kids are calling it these days." Her mother says.

"It's instagram and that picture was just a joke mama." Fatima told her.

"What kind of joke is that?" Her mother asked.

"Mama don't worry about it, I'm fine." She says. "I'm about to go get ready for this event. Make sure y'all have Amir there by 6:30 because he's coming on stage with me." 

"We know what time we are summoned don't try and get sassy with us because you in your feelings about Zachary Luther Taylor." Her mother said and Fatima's mouth dropped.

"You vetted him?" She asked.

"Of course, he's a good man but baby you can't be seen with someone like that." Lisa said.

"Someone like that?" Fatima asked

"He's broke" Lisa replied. "Now that Ricky, he has money and you guys were a nice looking couple."

"Mama you used to be broke as a matter of fact you're still broke because all of this is my money and daddy's." Fatima didn't mean to actually say that to her mother and she regretted it soon after.  "I'm sorry ma-"

"No you meant it." Lisa says. "I'll see you at 6:30 Fatima."

"Shit" Fatima said in her mind. Her mood was everywhere today and she needed to pull herself together. She has never disrespected her mom but she hated the way everyone acted like she had to be with a man that matched her bank account and not her heart.


Over at Zac's apartment he was just waking up. He had drank himself to sleep and now was going through a major headache. He turned his phone back on seeing Fatima's text. He hated himself for how he left but he knew he was triggered and needed to calm down. He already felt like he wasn't good enough because he can't provide for her and it was bothering him that she wasn't letting him protect her in that moment. His ex girlfriend Ciara left him for a man with more money and stability 8 months ago and every he was also still healing from that. She did him the worst, cheated, then took the little money he did have for himself and dipped with ole boy. Although he knew Fatima wasn't that type he also knew they just getting to know each other and nothing is impossible.

Zac heard a knock at his door and he just knew it was Fatima. He gathered himself together and headed to open the door but it wasn't her.

"You better have a good fucking reason for being at my house." Zac said ready to go off.

"I do man, I'm not here to fight." Ricky says. "I'm just here to talk to you man to man."

"Ain't nothing a boy can tell this man." Zac said, about to close the door.

"Come on man please." Ricky said. "I can see that you really like Fatima and my son really likes you and when he woke up looking for you that shit hurt me. " he continued. "I fucked up by leaving that little boy and his mother for these bitches and this industry and I can't get that shit back. But Fatima is a good woman and she cares about you."

"I know that." Zac said

"So what are you doing here then man? It's Christmas, you should be with your family." Ricky said.

"No offense bro, you can't tell me how to deal with the same woman you fumbled. I got this and I got her and my son. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a show to go see in a couple hours." Zac closed the door in Ricky's face and proceeded on with his day.

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