ch~3 🔇

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Moonmeher Thank you so much for liking my FF and also for voting, it really means a lot to me. Thank you so so much . I  will try my best to write this FF and not to dissapoint you or anyone. ILY 😚💕


Little Rewind time ~
When Jun went to ask Joshua to join him and his friends , their was one girl who seems jealous and angry.

"Uff calm down girl "Her one friend said. "calm down, calm down, how the fuck can i calm down, don't you see that huh "she said  grabbing fork on her left hand angrily. "He just came and now he is seating with my man, how dare he "she added grabbing fork more hardly and angrily. "Sammy, please calm down and if you want Jun to be yours then i have amazing plan "her one friend said and winked at Sammy. Sammy immediately look at her friend and asked "what is the plan ,Jia ".Jia just smirk.

Back to Present ~
Both Tae and joshua left to get their schedule, well you must be thinking how they didn't went to get their schedule when they enter the school, well they went but Mr. Kim wasn't their so another teacher Mrs.Jeon told them to come back in lunch break. So that's why they were going to get their schedule now.

Meanwhile Jun ,his friends and jimin & jungkook was looking at eachother in confusion.

"huh what was that "seungkwan asked breaking the silence which was kept for almost 10mins. " I don't know "Jimin answered. "he was using his hands to say something,but I don't understand what he just said "Dino said ."yeah, neither me "jimin says.
"he was using sign language "wonwoo said suddenly after being quiet the whole time. "sign language? "everyone asked in confusion. "yeah, when people are deaf or mute, they use sign language to communicate "wonwoo replied. Everyone 'O' . "what the heck you guys really don't know about the sign language?" wonwoo asked. Everyone shake their head ."well i heard about it but i never met anyone who was deaf or mute "jimin replies. "yeah, same here "jeonghan says.

"But question is why Joshua was using sign language "seungkwan ask. "maybe he is deaf or mute "Jun says.
"yeah, i think so too "jeonghan says. "I think we should directly ask him "soonyoung suggested. "wouldn't that be rude "Dk says. " I don't think so "jeonghan says "we should know so we can help him wherever he needed "jeonghan added. "yeah that's true "seungcheol says agreeing. "Also i already started liking him, his Amazing and Cute "Dino says. Everyone agrees.

When they were talking about all this guess who was listening, right Sammy and her friends.

"Lol what Joshua doesn't know how to speak "Ryunjin asked. "Yeah, that's right, he actually doesn't know anything, I already started hating him ughh "Sammy replied. "Guys i have amazing plan "jia says gaining attention of her friends. "what is it "Ryunjin asked. "oh come on Sammy ur birthday is coming "jia said. "So" Sammy asked getting irritated ."Why don't you throw a party and..."jia says. "OMG, Jia you are the smartest and bestest I love you so much "Sammy says. "it's a perfect plan, jia "Ryujin says winking and giving thumbs up to Jia. "Joshua, just wait and watch ,I'm coming for you "Sammy says Smirking "Jun will be mine and only mine "she added.

Taehyung and Joshua were both back and they all started walking to their next classes as lunch break was about over. They were walking to their classes in silence  until "umm Joshua "seungkwan calls out and everyone's attention was on him. Joshua look at seungkwan "can i-i ask you one question "he continued and asked hesantitly .Joshua nodded his head in Yes. "well it's  little personal "Dk says joining seungkwan. " I hope you don't mind it, we didn't want to sound rude "jeonghan says, Joshua just titled his head in confusion .Taehyung was also confuse about what was going on. "what is it guys,you can ask us anything "Taehyung says and Joshua nods in agreement.

"Ar-are yo-you perhaps Deaf or mute "Dino asks encouraging some confidence in him but also nervous at the same time. Joshua chuckles and nods his head. "I'm  actually Mute"he signs. "he said that, he is actually mute "Taehyung says. " we understood that "Soonyoung says.

Jun was standing their quiet the whole time and was just waiting for answer. When he finally got the answer he was surprised at first but he also found it cute . And he once again felt butterflies when he heard Joshua chuckles.He thought to himself this is bestest and Cutest chuckles he ever heard. He was already blushing because of that. He promised to himself to protect Joshua, no matter what. He also doesn't know why he promised himself that but he felt urge to protect Joshua. Maybe he is already in LOVE with Joshua.

"Ah I'm so sorry "Dk says hugging Joshua. "why are you sorry "Joshua signs. "what did he just say "soonyoung asked also joining the hug. "he was asking why are you guys saying sorry "Taehyung says. "Be-Because-"Dino got cutt off when "Because he can't speak like others "Taehyung says. Everyone nodded. "Guys, you don't have to be sorry, it's not ur fault, I was just born like that "Joshua signs and taehyung translates for others to understand. One last time everyone hugged Joshua except Jun, he was smiling through all this standing their in corner,And went to their classes.

Back into Time ~

This is when, when Joshua entered the class with his twin and Mr. Kim told him to go seat beside Jun "

My Twin introduce himself and me and Mr. Kim told Taehyung to sit with a boy name jungkook and me too Jun.
I search here and their looking for him, I suddenly found him because he raising his hands as Mr. Kim told him to do. When my eyes land on that guy, I was shocked and surprised, he was so Ethereal, decent and handsome. He looks like Handsome Cat. My heart was beating fast and when i was walking towards him i felt weird in my stomach, not in bad way but in good I'm mean in really GOOD way.

I sat on my seat, he smiled at me and that again makes my heart beats fast ,it was the most perfect smile i have ever seen in my life. After coming out of my daze and calming myself down  I smiled back to him. He introduced himself . His voice felt like sexy just like him. I smiled and nodded. I try to focus on Mr. Kim. Because my heart couldn't stop beating. So to divert my thoughts, i start focusing on studies. But i couldn't focus at all, I can sense his gaze staring me and that make me blushed. What the heck why am blushing stop stop stop.

He started talking and most of things were so funny. He's really talkative and funny. Also Attractive, I'm sure every girl will be drooling for him. I sigh.

It was now lunch break thank God I can relax myself little bit . I suddenly went to Taehyung and to his friends which he just met . They introduced themselves to me and i gave them my small smile. They both seems nice and great. I was really happy for my brother that he found someone on his first day. I also notice how's face gets red whenever jungkook speaks something. It was cute.

We  four went to cafeteria ,I was eating my food while listening to jimin, jungkook and Teahyung talks. We get to know each other more and it was really great. I was eating and suddenly Jun came. He asked me to join him and his friends, I was excited to make new friends but also nervous. He told me too don't to worry and they all are good and funny . I don't know why but i trusted him, I usually don't trust anyone except my brother. But something about Jun was different .i agree to join him and his friends and get to know them. " If you dare to hurt my brother, i will kill you "Taehyung says to Jun . I can see fear in Jun's eyes. I just smack back of my brother's head.

While walking together my heart again starts beating. The walk to my table to his and his friends was silent but not that awkward silent, it felt peaceful, even though whole cafeteria was in literal chaos. I kept glancing at him, I just couldn't get over with his perfect looks and his sexy voice.

I met his friends, all of them were in relationships and were dating except Jun and Dino. They all were funny, chaotic and friendly. I enjoyed my lunch so much with them .i also get to know them.

🦋Hope you guys like this chapter 🦋
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💕🦋Have a Amazing Day/Night 🦋💕


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