ch~15 🔇

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Time skip :
2 weeks after that incident ~

Jun and joshua has stop talking with each other, stop messaging each other, they don't even look at each other now. It's like they are strangers to each other.

They are like complete stranger as they saw to others but only themselves and their friends know that how much both of them are hurting inside. They both miss each other but none of them want to take first instative.

"ughh I have enough of this now "seungkwan goarn and said in annoyed. "me too "jeonghan said joining. "guys shouldn't we do something " hoshi asked. "but what we can we do "mingyu asked. "I think we so prove that all those pics were fake and edited "dk said. "but how, we don't have anything to prove it "seungkwan said shrugging. Everyone give deep sigh. "guys I might have something "wonwoo Who was quiet this whole time spoke, everyone's attention towards him. "what "hao asked. "Sana " wonwoo said ,everyone look at him in confusion "huh Sana "seungkwan speak. "what about her "Jeonghan asked. "that night when we went for dinner she was there too "wonwoo said. "WHAT " everyone said in unison and in shock. "but that's not gonna prove anything "seungkwan said and shrugged again. "guys we don't need her we need her special camera "wonwoo said. And everyone look towards him again. "why her camera "Dk asked. "Bcoz at that night she brought same camera and I'm sure she captured Joshua's pics and then photo shopped it and then show to everyone in Sammy's birthday party like those pics were real "wonwoo said finishing. Everyone got thinking for a sec. "wait if you knew that Sana was also their when we were their and capturing pics why didn't you said anything till now "hoshi asked. "well I wasn't sure at first, bcoz the way she was capturing pictures it look like she was capturing photos of plants which were right besides Joshua"wonwoo replied. "so what make you so sure now "Dk asked. "look at this pictures "wonwoo showed his phone and "here if you guys see properly you will see it that those photos are actually photo shopped "wonwoo said. And everyone started looking at it with much focus. "wait i can see it "hoshi said. "me too ""me three " ."woahh "why we didn't see this at first "dino said more like asked. "it's because this all photos are edited in high quality "wonwoo replied. "none of can guess it "wonwoo said adding. "my boyfriend is so smart "mingyu said and giving light kiss on wonwoo's cheeks. Wonwoo blush little.

"so you telling me if we get her camera we can prove that all those pics were fake "jeonghan asked. "yes "wonwoo replied. "but how we gonna get her camera though "scoups said. After a while of thinking,"guys I have idea ".jeonghan said and started explaining his idea. "got it "he asked in last. "yes "everyone said at same time and cheered "mission bringing back Junshua "hoshi cheered and others cheered along.

Joshua pov :

It been 2weeks of that incident happened. But I'm still not healed.  Im sitting in my room and doing nothing. I spend my night crying and missing my love Jun. I can't stop thinking about him, can't stop worrying about him, and most importantly I can't stop loving him. Why? Just why? Joshua said to himself tears coming down from his eyes.

"I had stop eating not because I don't like it, it because I don't have feelings left to eat anything . I don't even want to go outside. I just go to school and come back and lay on my bed whole day crying ".

My brother tae tried everything to make me eat or to take somewhere out but I always refused him. He tried to entertain me with his silly jokes but it didn't work. My brothers friends also try to do everything to make me happy and to forgot about Jun. But how can i just forgot about him. He just not my boyfriend he is my whole universe, he is my another heart. He is my soulmate.

"I miss him so much "Joshua said while sniffling. "please come back junnie, please, don't you believe in me? My love please come back to me without you whole world looks so dark, scary ,sad and unhappy ".

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