ch~10 🔇

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Jun was wearing black turtleneck, black pants and long black coat with some jewelries on. And 👢 [this boots ]. Long coat to keep himself warm. As its winter.

Looking so hot and Ethereal as always, he was ready to pick Joshua and to go on a BESTEST DATE that he ever would have. But only he knows that how much nervous he was from inside but also excited because he is going with his Love of his Life.

"OMG, you look so Handsome, I might faint "soonyoung squeal looking at Jun from down to up. "hao is really a Fashionista "seungkwan said coming to Jun's room. "huh, how you know that hao choose this outfit "Dk asks. "simple because only hao and mingyu is fashionista in our group, and mingyu is busy right now with wonwoo so offcourse mingyu didn't pick this outfit".seungkwan says .Everyone 'OHH' . "thanks hao, thanks soonyoung, thanks everyone." Jun says. Everyone look at him and hugged him "Enjoy ur date jun-ah "Dk says. "Awe my kids are getting big "Jeonghan says to seungcheol. Both were standing outside the whole time and silently looking. Everyone turn around to see .And everyone chuckled at that. "Jun now you should go don't keep Joshua waiting "seungcheol said. "yeah you should go "seungkwan said. "Jun - Dino came running ,before you go take this, I made some cookies that shua likes it "he completed giving a box of cookies. "Thanks dino-ah "Jun says and hugged Dino. He gave one last hug to everyone before leaving.

In car he was getting so nervous, all the over thinking took him over as he was getting near to Joshua's house. You can even see or smell the sweat that he been having when he was driving.

He calm himself down when he saw beautiful flower shop . He stop the car and decided to buy flower bouquet for his love. He went inside the flower shop, the lady welcomed him "hello sir, which type of flowers would like to buy "the lady asked politely. "I don't have any idea which type of flowers he likes, can you suggest me some "Jun replies." oh it is for your boyfriend "the lady asked .jun blushed on hearing the word boyfriend,he can't wait to make Joshua his. "no he his don't my boyfriend yet "Jun clears. "he will soon, don't worry "the lady said. The lady showed him some flowers . Their were many different types of flowers, but Jun got his eyes stuck on beautiful white roses.

 [this one's ]

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[this one's ]

The white roses defines family and unconditional love. Jun thought that this is perfect flowers to buy for his loved one.

"this one " Jun said. The lady nodded she pack the flower bouquet. "how much? "Jun asked. "55rs "the lady replied. [I don't know how much flower bouque's are.] Jun nods and gives money. "thank you for helping me "Jun says. The lady gave him warm smile. "God bless you I hope you get everything that you want in life "the lady said giving blessings to Jun. She was old lady and very kind and sweet. "thank you grandma "Jun says and bowed .

He kept flower bouquet in back seat .He reached at Joshua's house after 20mins. He fixed his clothes, check himself in car mirror, spray some scent and went to Joshua's door.
Taking deep breathe he ring the bell.


"Shua, come on Jun will come anytime now "Tae said. Joshua was still getting ready. "two minutes "Joshua said. Tae sighed "come downstairs, I will be waiti-"tae was gonna say something but got interrupted by door bell. " I think your boyfriend is here, I will go open the door you get ready fast "tar said. "his not my boyfriend "Joshua mumbled in his head loudly. "he will be soon "tae said before running down. Huh Joshua though how did he know what i said in my mind. Is he some mind reader or something. They both are twins so it explains everything. That how they both can understand each other and can also knows what other is thinking. Joshua shook his head, and got ready.

Joshua was wearing white turtleneck ,black pants and long black coat. Looking absolutely Ethereal and Handsome.

Tae opened the door "oh Jun, please come inside "tae said giving space to Jun to come inside. Jun bowed and went inside. "so how are you "tae asked. " I'm great, how are you "Jun replied. "I'm great too "tae replied with smile. Tae give him water."thanks "Jun said. "Don't be so formal with me, i am ur friend too "Tae said. Jun smiled. "where's Joshua "Jun asked. "he will be here soon "tae said keeping the glass in sink. Jun look around the house, the house was beautifully clean and gorgeous, the interior was awesome. The little flower plants were so beautiful placed and some were hanged on walls making walls look so pretty. "Jun would you like to have some food "Tae asked. "umm no i will eat outside with shua "jun replies. "mm you already started calling my brother with nickname mmm "tae said teasingly. "that's cute "tae added. Jun smiles. They both started talking about random things and became close to each other. They both got to know about each other more.

Soon Joshua came downstairs and he heard some laughing and talking. He went from where the noise was coming. "what's going on "he asked in sign seeing his brother and his love of his life standing their and laughing. "oh shua, you finally here "tae said. Joshua nods. Jun turns around and both of them stare into each others eyes, time is stopped, only background music going on and both staring into each other's eyes with love of infinite. Both couldn't get their eyes of each other.

Jun world is stop right now , he turn around and show Joshua he couldn't get his eyes of Joshua, as Joshua was looking so ethereal, cute and handsome. Jun kept staring at him with so much admiration and love. The love that he never got to experience, the love that he waited for years and years, the love that he never want to lose, the love that he wish that never ends, the love that he will treasure forever , the one and only Joshua Hong.

🦋Date coming soon🦋
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💕🦋Have a amazing Day/Night🦋💕

                  [this is Jun's outfit ]

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[this is Jun's outfit ]

                  [this is Jun's outfit ]

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[Joshua's outfit ]

Hope you guys like the outfits of both 🤗🦋.

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