Part 24: Patricia

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Once again Patricia and Onika huddled within a doorway, waiting silently as a pair of maintenance clones marched past. Dressed in their standard coveralls, they moved with a uniformity of purpose they could have never managed before Mastermind's domination. Clones were grown from the same DNA combination, but each developed their own personalities, born of individual experiences. Mastermind's clones were little more than vessels for the AI's consciousness. His soldiers were as much a part of the intelligence taking over the space station as they were his drones.

Once the sounds of the sentries had faded, the pair continued along their route. Onika demonstrated an impressive ability to recall information, using it to guide them along their path from the second safe house to the facility they suspected was the location for Mastermind's core nexus. Patricia had gone over Fwendi's research and came to the same conclusion as the reporter. The AI had moved the location of his integral nodes multiple times. Part of his programming made the superthinker wary of detection.

There was a twenty-five percent chance that, while Mastermind-308's primary processors might have been there a few days ago, the artificial intelligence's key systems might not be there any longer.

Patricia fought the urge to consult her datapad. A connection to the network or even a ping needed to be intentional because it could reveal their presence prematurely. As if reading her mind, Onika pointed out the markings on the pipe couplings against the wall.

"That's the sixth one, right? I think it is— no, I'm sure it is."

"I agree. This is number six." Patricia had memorized the map while she'd formulated her plan to take out Mastermind, but it was refreshing to be working with someone who had as good a memory as she did.

Onika inclined her head towards a maintenance door against the wall. "Through there, and we'll be beneath the complex. Do you think the others have caused enough of a commotion?"

"Of course," Patricia said dismissively. "My brother is an expert at causing a scene."

"Raven, right? And they call you Renegade. Spider makes three."

Patricia studied Onika for a moment, her eyes narrowing with suspicion.

"The names sounded familiar, but I hadn't put it together until a moment ago. The Singapore Incident." Onika's tone became more confident. "You people stopped the terrorist plot to kidnap the CEO."

"Well, we—"

"No need to deny it! You fit the few eye witness descriptions, as vague and bare thread as they were. I'd poured all over the tapes and inquiries, and I have a great memory for details. Your team—"

"We had an assignment and we saw it done. Same as here." Patricia let urgency seep into her voice. "Now is not the time for this."

It was true, yet not the entire truth. They'd been aboard The Singapore because a benefactor knew there would be trouble and paid them a lot of credits to keep the head of Earth Conglomerate alive. It led to a run in with The Pale Garden. This mission was their own, the only profit they'd make would be from the supplies she'd stockpiled. Just like before, it all connected to Belladonna's army.

"I won't be able to call myself an investigative journalist if I don't ask: Are you people an EC wetworks division?"

Patricia showed no outward reaction, though she laughed on the inside. One of the pipes made a tapping song as steam transferred from one section to another.

"If we were a clandestine military unit, wouldn't I need to kill you for knowing too much?"

Onika stared for a long moment then slowly nodded. "That is a popular saying, but I–"

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