Part 11: Patirica

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They prowled through the maintenance corridors of the subterranean service passages. Patricia in the front, carefully choosing her route past underground sewage reclaimers, server hubs, and locked storage depots. The heart of any large station was the network of arteries underneath, beyond the eye of the casual observer, where the processes of running such a vast structure toiled endlessly. Cheshire would ensure the electronic security measures would be blind to Patricia's infiltration, but she'd still be vulnerable to the naked eye. Sometimes the more primitive ways still worked the best.

Chillard brought up the rear. He'd clearly received training in stealth operations. His technique needed honing, but he had the basics down. He constantly stopped to check if they were being followed. Each time he fell too far behind, Patricia waited for him around the next bend. She had use for a Special Diplomat even if he was reluctant to join the cause.

They reached a juncture where the piping and circuitry for four sectors intersected. Patricia took a moment to listen. Distant footsteps carried down the wide tunnels warned of maintenance workers who might spot them if the two spies weren't careful. The air was slightly less rank than the area behind them which meant the juncture probably led away from residential areas. They'd have to decide whether they wanted to attempt to hide within the throng of station staff or try to disappear in the outskirts. Both choices came with their own unique dangers.

Patricia studied Chillard as he crept up beside her. She nodded and he returned that nod.

Without more preamble, she grabbed his collar and tossed him out into the center of the juncture. He hit the ground hard, but quickly rolled and recovered. She was on him before he could get to his feet. He blocked her uppercut and danced around her hook, taking hold of her arm and trying to bring it behind her back. Familiar with Xnean martial arts, Patricia charged a nearby steam pipe, smashing Chillard into the hot metal. He cried out and released his hold before he could lock it in. He went for his pistol and she kicked the weapon from his grip.

He rolled out of the cramped corner and she was on him again. Chillard focused on defense, blocking as Patricia inflicted blow after blow until his arms finally dropped down limp. Only then did she relent. Dropping back, she took a deep breath and relaxed. Her blood had started to thunder in her ears and her skin was hot to the touch. She filed it away as data to ponder later. Looking at Chillard, his eyes darting left to right in search of an avenue of escape, she knew it wasn't the time for research.

"You've compromised elements of my mission and put us both in danger. Now that Mastermind-308 is aware of her capabilities, it will be only a matter of time before it develops a way around Cheshire. To utilize a poker reference, you've revealed my ace in the hole." She stretched, willing her adrenaline to stop pumping. "Give me one good reason I shouldn't leave you here for security to find?"

Chillard raised his fist into a boxers form, but dropped his sore arms to his side.

"Why attack me after you went to the trouble of saving me from security?"

"Last time we spoke, you shot me." Patricia patted the Kit clipped to her belt. "Besides, you stole my Cheshire."

"The chip," he said pointedly.

Patricia growled before she could stop herself. She'd resorted to physical violence in order to throw Chillard off his game. She deduced his training was focused primarily in infiltration and data collection. Her sudden assault would force him to rely on his secondary skill sets. Bargaining and invading her mind wouldn't be his first thought.

Or so she'd theorized.

"Watch it.." It felt like her aggressions were getting the best of her too. "She's more than just a chip."

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