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Chapter Summary: Morgan opens up her eyes and begins to speak up. Having enough she confronts The Authority

Words: 4,000+



"Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the COO of the WWE, Triple H!" Justin announced as The Shield stood guard in the ring. Morgan exhaled as she had her title around her waist while she stood in between Roman and Seth.

"I would like to introduce to you...the face of a company. The WWE champion, the Viper, Randy Orton!" Triple H announced.

'I hear voices in my head'

Orton walks out with his title as Morgan watches him in disgust. Why the heck does he need a grand introduction?

Orton walks into the ring while she turns around, shaking her head at him.

Triple H decided to call her out. "Uh, Morgan are you all right? You're making all these faces. Care to explain why?"

She gives him a fake smile. "No reason. Face exercises. Just warming up." She replied as the camera caught her words.

"Let me remind you that you are one of my henchmen and top divas here. Don't get on my bad side and screw that up."

She smirked at his comment. "Oh don't worry, I won't."


She turned back around to face the stage and rolled her eyes. "Asshole..." She mumbled as some fans watched her say that and laugh.

"Morgan." Triple H called out again as she sighed and turned around.

"What now?"

"I've seen the looks you've been giving the face of this company. Don't ever do that again. Do not ever look at this face of the WWE in disgust again. I don't know if you're in a bad mood or if it's that time of the month-" he was cut off by Morgan who gets handed a mic by a producer.

"Um, I can look at who I want to look at. Any way and any facial expression. You can't force me to look a certain way." she declared.

There is a dramatic pause while the crowd cheers at her statement.

Triple H slowly put the mic to his lips. "...Did you just interrupt me?"

'Yes! Yes! Yes!' The crowd chants

She mocked his actions by putting the mic to her lips. "...Yeah. Problem?"

Triple H chuckled to himself and decided to ignore the disrespect for now.

"Good." She dropped the mic and turned back around as she crossed her arms.

Triple H motions for Orton to do his promo. It was the same stuff over and over again. He did not deserve that title. Daniel worked so hard for it. They started talking about how Daniel could be the cruiserweight champion and how he would never be WWE champion. And also how Doink the Clown was never WWE champion because it would be Bad for Business.

After a few moments of them bashing him, Daniel Bryan comes out on the stage and he gets a loud, warm welcome from the crowd.

"Wow you guys made a lot of really good points and I am thrilled to be compared to Doink the Clown. The only clowns I see are the two standing in the ring right now. And I understand that you want me to give up my championship match against Orton at Night of Champions, so will I? I think the answer to that question is the same answer to Is Randy Orton more masculine than Stephanie McMahon?"

Morgan was enjoying watching Orton get fed up as Daniel chanted "No! No! No!"

"How many times do you have to get punched in the face, kicked in the face, Triple powerbombed, or RKOed, before you realize, Daniel Bryan, that there's not a chance in hell that you could win this fight," Orton exclaimed

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