Mommy Knows Best

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Chapter Summary: Morgan's mother, Jane, tries to defend her honor as she feuds with Stephanie. But things aren't what they seem

Words: 8,000+


After getting off Skype with Chyna, Melanie decided to call Celeste first and she answered on the first ring.

"What the hell were you thinking!?" Celeste yelled on the other line as Melanie couldn't help but start laughing at her reaction. "Are you-are you laughing!? Do you know how upset I am? Why would you go back to TNA if you spent your entire wrestling career working to get to the WWE? What is wrong with you!? How could you go to that place?!"

"Whoa, wait a minute, what are you talking about­-"

"Why are you staying on TNA?!"


"No! At least go to a different wrestling company. That was a slap in the face. You could of least told us and given us a heads up so we wouldn't be freaking out!"

Melanie laughed again, "I couldn't. WWE told me to keep it under wraps,"

"Wait what?"

"Put me on speaker,"

After Melanie explained the situation to the girls whole were still in Celeste's room. Relief seemed to wash over them as they were happy she wasn't staying and that it was just a misunderstanding due to her being told not to share her plans with anyone yet.

After chatting with the girls, Melanie called Colby and he answered on the third ring.

"Well...if it isn't the TNA Knockout." Colby greeted, making her chuckle

"I'm not staying, you goofball. Put me on speaker. I know Jon and Joe are there."

Colby announced to the boys that she was on the phone and put his phone on speaker.

After explaining, she was glad her friends and Jon understood what was going on. She missed them so much and couldn't wait to be back when she was told to return. But for now, she wanted to live in the moment and enjoy this rare opportunity given by WWE and spend time with her TNA friends.

Jon grinned, "Good that you're not staying permanently. I'd drag you back to WWE myself if I have to," he teased

"Oh trust me, I know," she replied. "I'm happy you guys understand. I'll be back in WWE before you know it!"

'Next Thursday, TNA'

"This is a Knockouts tag team match scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, the team of Melanie and Velvet Sky!" Christy Hemme announced as Melanie and Velvet walked out to Velvet's music.

"Melanie is set for her match in her first TNA match in years. Her cousin, Chyna is in the crowd." Mike said as they got in the ring.

"Yep, Chyna. She was in a huge match with Kurt Angle against Karen and Jeff Jarrett. What a match that was." Taz looked on while Gail and Brooke got in the ring.

Melanie was wearing pants similar to AJ Styles and an AJ Styles shirt as a crop top.

Velvet starts off the match against Gail. She begins to taunt Velvet before pushing her head. Velvet spears her and starts unloading on her until the ref grabs her off. While the ref tries to hold back Velvet, Gail manages to hit her with a cheap shot, taking control of the match with her partner.

"Come on Vel!" Melanie cheered on as she tried to fight back and overpower Gail.

She manages to fight back against Gail's headlock and drops her down with a facebuster. Velvet crawls over to Melanie as she gets the tag and the crowd cheers. She runs in the ring as Gail stands up and Brooke scrambles in the ring. Melanie double clotheslines them as they both roll out the ring.

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