Confronting The Sellout

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Summary: The Shield confronts Rollins after his betrayal. Rollins brings up the idea of wanting Morgan to join him in The Authority.

Words: 4,000+


After the show, Melanie met up with Greg at a local bar while getting followed by some of the Total Divas to keep a watchful eye. Unaware her girlfriends were keeping track of her, she sat across from Greg at a table with a frown.

"You got ten minutes," she spoke calmly.

She still felt a ton of emotions. It felt weird seeing him again after all these years. Her guard remained up as she watched him carefully when he let out a sigh.

"Look, I'm trying to make things right. I want to start over with you and at least be friends," he spoke.

"Nine minutes and 50 seconds."

"I brought you these," He revealed a bouquet of flowers and a small bag of grapes.

Grapes, huh? He somehow paid attention unlike years before. But unable to resist her favorite fruit, she grabbed the grapes and accepted it with the flowers.

"Wow...thanks, I guess. I'm surprised you even know I like grapes,"

"You don't like grapes, you love them," he corrected her with a grin and gestured to the drink he lightly pushed towards her. "Here's your drink,"

"I'm not drinking with you. You can forget about that shit. So, let's cut to the chase. You've been in jail all this time?"

"Yeah. It was a couple of months after we stopped dating. I just got into some back shit and I suffered the consequences," he frowned and took a big gulp of his beer.

Melanie watched his body language. It was clear he didn't want to go into detail.

"So you were locked up all this time? Last thing I heard was you were in some car accident and didn't make it,"

"Nah, I'm still here. Did you miss me at all?"

"No. I haven't,"

"Well I missed you,"

"I gotta go," she stood up.

"Our ten minutes isn't up yet,"

"I stayed here long enough,"

"Can we see each other again?"

"I don't know. Being around you, and listening to all you're saying is bringing back unpleasant memories,"

"I'm trying to change."

"And good luck with that," she replied and left him alone.

She was glad she handled herself well. Her old self would have been an emotional wreck and had the urge to embrace him. It was weird seeing him again after all these years but she was glad she had moved on from wanting anything with him. And a big factor was Jon making her strong mentally.

"This dude gotta go. Now." Nattie said, while seated at a nearby table with a frown.

"Agreed. What are we gonna do?" Nikki asked.

"You think she's gonna visit him again?" Ariane wondered.

"He's been following her, and flying everywhere she is for WWE Live events and other shows. It's getting bad. She can't see him again. We're gonna have to intervene," Renee sighed.

Suddenly Milena started to tear up after paying close attention to Greg's actions since arriving.

"Milena, are you okay?" Trinity asked.

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