Catching Up Before MITB

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Chapter Summary: Melanie is back in Philly to visit family and makes preparations before the PPV

Words: 3,000+


Joe, Jon and Melanie visit the new WWE Performance Center in Orlando, FL.

"Here at the opening of the WWE performance center, I'm here with 3 members of The Shield, Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose and Morgan Lopez. First of all, you guys came up through developmental here in WWE, what are your thoughts on the new training facility?" The interviewer asked.

"It's quite impressive, I've never seen a...I don't think a facility this big and this impressive ever existed in professional wrestling before. Seeing it born is pretty impressive. So much space, so much, really, expensive high tech equipment, uh, we've been in some nice gyms before but this is as nice as it gets. Pretty impressive." Ambrose answered.

"What's your thoughts Roman?"

"I agree um, to see this much hard work, this much patience to go in it, it's a beautiful thing to watch it unfold and it's a humbling thing. It's a great day for the business."

"Morgan, your thoughts?"

"This place is so awesome. I love it and it's really going to help the developmental roster. It's a wonderful thing that WWE has done to prepare the next generation of WWE superstars," Morgan replied with a grin.

This was all so exciting to her. She couldn't wait to check everything out when she had the time.

"It's incredible to see you guys come up through the development area and the facilities in Tampa were good but to see this, makes you wonder about this place and how it's gonna help guys as they try to continue to make it onto the roster like you did." Interviewer added.

"The guys that are lucky enough to train here instead of a warehouse, a barn or a box with one little ring on a dirt floor or something like that, they are gonna have a real leg up on the competition. The next generation for the guys is gonna get more stiffer." Dean said.

"You jealous?" The interviewer chuckled

"I knew he was gonna ask that, haha." Morgan giggled.

"Uh, no, I mean, everything worked out for us. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for these guys. It should be bright for our future." Roman answered

"So how'd it feel to be called on the main roster?" Interviewer asked.

"Means everything. It's what I've been working my entire life for and persistence pays off." Dean responded.

"What's it been for you so far?" The interviewer asked Roman.

"I think it's been a great testament through the developmental system. A guy like Dean, he's been all around the world, wrestling in all kinds of places, he's been able to come here and polish off his skills. Morgan went to another major wrestling company and showed off her skills until she came to the developmental area in the WWE. And I was able to obtain a little bit of skills and polish it as well. Down here and on the main roster. But for everybody who is starting off here, have a great opportunity to

perfect their craft before they get on the main roster." He answered.

"Last few things, you mentioned you had some experience before you came here, Morgan. Going to another major wrestling company, how is that different from WWE?"

"Well, going to TNA and wrestling in a 6 sided ring is different from a 4-sided ring. So, when I came to the development area in WWE, it's been really tough to adjust to things since I got so used to 6 sides. But I managed. It's been hard but all that hard work paid off."

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