A Town in Darkness

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"Wake up....Alice wake up..." A faint female voice said.

"Alice wake up fast......SNAP OUT!"

With a shock Alice woke up, her heart bounced fast and her body hurt from the high amount of adrenaline her body gave her. If this was from the darkness she awoke in of the fall she made when she was thrown out of here house wasn't clear for her. Alice reached in her pockets for her phone and took it out. She turned the light on and was in a small shock. Whole Silent Hill was devoured into darkness and looked decayed. She searched the ground quickly for her pistol but is wasn't here.

"Damn it, it must be in my house, I must have dropped it."

She stood up and took some aspirin again, her headache was getting worse and worse. Somewhere in the distance of the street she heard screams, children screams. Alice didn't want to go check it out but her instinct told her to do so. Slowly she walked towards the screams. It was located in an alley just a couple of meters from the point where she felt. The most weird thing of all was that she didn't feel pain from the fall, only her headache. When Alice reached the alley she looked into it and was shocked. A small soft scream came out of her mouth but she was able to hold the rest. It was a monster, man height with a hand holding one of those monstrous children in the air. With his other hand, well its hand wasn't a hand but it was a blade coming out of his arm, he slit the throat of the child and waited until it bled out and throw it on the ground. Alice watched in fear and stood still of the shock for a moment. The monster look towards he, its face was mutilated, the mouth was sewed shut and its eyes where opened with nail so that it couldn't close its eyes. The childkiller started moving towards Alice. It wasn't fast because children were holding on to its legs. The childkiller didn't mind that at all and kept moving towards Alice. Alice ran away. She ran across the dark streets with no destination. As the childkiller pursed her, Alice didn't know where she was head to. As she passed a corner Alice fell on the ground, her headache was too strong on the moment to endure. She knew that she must continue running because otherwise she would be dead. She stood up slowly. With the footsteps behind her who were keep getting louder, Alice slowly kept on moving.

"My headache....it...is too much" Alice told herself.

"The hospital...maybe they have medicine for my headache. But this....this world isn't really helping. How can this end?"

As she started running again, her primary goal was the hospital for medicine. She knew the way, even in this world of darkness the hospital was easy to find. Because of her sister, who spend much time in the hospital lately she knew the way pretty well. Alice ran through the streets. Still the childkiller pursued her and it was gaining speed slowly.

"My battery, it is dying soon, I have to hurry." Alice told herself. As the childkiller moved quicker so did Alice. In the distance she saw the hospital. She turned around a corner and stopped dead in her tracks. The road was gone for 3 meters in front of her. The only thing left was a large deep dark hole.

"I'm so glad with my light now." Said Alice a little scared.

The footsteps of the childkiller came closer and Alice made a run for it to the street on her left.

"How could that thing see in the darkness?" She asked herself. Alice ran into the street. With the childkiller on the her tail she stopped again.

"DAMN IT! Why are there all broken streets?!" She looked back and saw the monster heading her way. Alice looked around and saw an open door to an apartment complex. She ran into it and climbed the stairs up. On the third floor a door was a little bit open. She rushed inside, into the hallway down to the living room and stopped. The whole living room was filled with children who are watching television. Alice slowly stepped back, she was still unnoticed and that was for the best. As she turned around the childkiller entered the door of the apartment. Alice screamed out of fear causing the children to react and come to her. Alice jumped in a closet out of panic.

"This was a bad idea". She kept telling herself crying. The childkiller stood before the closet. Its hand was opening the closet but then he was attacked by a four children. They grabbed him an pushed him. One of them even bit him. The childkiller lost balance and tripped backward through the window behind him with the children. Not a second later Alice heard the smack of the childkiller hitting the ground and a cry of pain. Alice stepped slowly out of the closet toward the window and looked outside. She shinned the light on the street and illuminated the childkiller, it was...alive but its leg was pierced by a fence. Alice looked at it and felt a cold hand on her shoulder. She screamed and dropped her phone. She turned around and the saw the faces of 3 children who are illuminated by the light of the flickering television. She ran out of the apartment. And rushed down the stairs. Alice couldn't see anything but her instinct helped her to climb down the stairs. She was in the central hallway, seeing greyish light coming from the gaps in the front door. Alice rushed towards it but before opening she stopped and her body forced her to look back even that Alice didn't want that.

"Still running away from you problems?" The manifestation said who was standing 3 meters behind her.

Alice regain control and opened the front doors. The grey light shinned again and the darkness was gone. Alice looked behind her and saw the door melting together in one single piece of wood.

"This isn't possible. It is all real, but it isn't possible."

Alice told herself. Still slightly in shock, she walked to the hospital.

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