Walking Home

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As she took another aspirin for her everlasting headache,

Alice walked through the streets of Silent Hill. Widwich

Street was empty. Not a living soul could be seen. Maybe

this was due to the thick fog or was Silent Hill really

abandoned? Maybe this isn't fog, maybe it is a deadly gas.

Or a gas that makes you hallucinating! But why wasn't I

evacuated then?

"Aaargh! The pain is not getting better." Alice complained.

Even with the aspirins the pain didn't go away. It even

didn't get better. It stayed the same.

After a while she took a turn right, into Matheson Street.

"The whole town is just....dead, deserted, empty. There is

no living soul here on the streets." Alice told herself. As

she walked to the alley on her left, she heard footsteps

coming from behind her.

"Hey there? Are you really a person?" A male voice said.

Alice turned around and looked scared to the man. In the

distance and the fog, there was a man coming towards her.

A visual middle-aged man, short dark brown hair and a

normal body. He waves to her.

"Hey, are you a real person or some kind of monster

thing?" The man said.

Alice was a little frightened. Silent Hill was completely

empty and then some random guy pops up out of nowhere.

Could he be a monster? She asked herself.

"Can you hear me?" The man asked again while he walked

slowly towards Alice.

"Yes I can hear you, who are you?" Alice replied.

"I'm Charlie Evernew. I live in Levin Street" Charlie


"What is you name madam?"

"I'm Alice, Alice Carter."

"A pleasure to meet you Alice, although the circumstances

are not good." Charlie said while he laughed a little.

"You also encountered some monsters? You asked me if I

was one."

"Yes, I saw some children with no eyes walking through

the streets, trying to grab me. But they did not achieved

that." Charlie said this with a grim dark tone in his voice.

"I bashed up some of them real good with an iron pipe

there. That bad for them, they won't get me". The tone was

dark and a smile was on his face but not for long. After a

second or 2 the tone and smile disappeared.
"Well, I got to keep moving. Trying to find someone to

help me. See you Alice and it was nice to meet you."

Charlie said to her smiling.

"Yes...Yes it was...good to meet you to. See you around

Charlie." Alice replied with a frightened tone.

Charlie waved to hear as he ran off. What a creepy guy

Alice tough. As she walked in the ally back to her home

she was thinking about the creepy guy Charlie. It looked

like he "enjoyed" to tell how he took down the children

monsters. Even if it are monsters, I couldn't bring myself

to murder them. It still are children, you cannot kill them,

monstrous of not. Alice walked into the alley. The alley was obscured by the fog. She couldn't see a half a meter in front of her. It was too thick here. Alice was on her edge here, there was absolutely nothing to fear, but that was the point why she was fearing. Absolutely nothing. Alice walked slowly through the alley, looking around her to ensure she was save from any monstrosity. Still something didn't feel right. She reached her door, grabbed her keys and opened her house. She had a nice, small house at the corner of the alley. But only with the current state of Silent Hill her house was depressing and sad. She when immediately upstairs to get the painkillers for her headache. As she came in the bathroom she walked to the medicine cabinet opened it, grabbed the painkillers and took one.
"Hopefully this will work" she told herself. Alice looked outside into the dead streets of Silent Hill. The Fog wasn't clearing up and still not a living soul to

see. She turned around and walked to the hallway to get downstairs. But when she entered the hallway she screamed. The manifestation was standing 2 metres in front of her, blocking the staircase. Alice screamed and ran into her room. The manifestation walked after her with one of her arms reaching out. Alice slammed the door shut and took the gun from her cabinet next to her bed. She loaded it and turned to the door, where the manifestation was standing, looking at Alice with her wound. Alice raised the gun.

"Don't come...a-a-a-any closer or I will shoot you" She said with great fear in her voice. The manifestation looked at her.

"Are you really going to shoot me...again?" The manifestation asked Alice with a hollow, female voice. Alice pulled the trigger of the gun, both out of fear and panic. The bullet made impact in the chest of the manifestation causing it to take a step back. One second later the manifestation took a step forward and screamed. A blast of pressure was released behind the manifestation in an explosion of darkness . Alice was blasted out of her bedroom window by the pressure, falling half unconscious on the street, which was being devoured in darkness.

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