Facing the Darkness of a Soul

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As Alice walked through the streets of Silent Hill, she was thinking about what her sister was. She was dead, then she became alive in her bed and changed into a monster trying to kill her. It was impossible, like many things that happened the past hours. What was going on with this greyish fog world. Alice walked a couple of street and eventually made the choice to go back home.

"The medicine probably drugged me. That is it, I'm hallucinating." Alice told herself.

She walked towards her home. When she was in the street she saw the broken glass. The fall caused by the creature did hurt, although she was hallucinating. She walked to the door of her house and opened it. She looked around in her house to make sure nothing else was with her. It was still the greyish house that it was a couple of hours ago. Alice went upstairs still a little frightened from her last experience with that thing. She walked in her bedroom. The window was still broken and the gun was laying on the floor. Alice looked at the gun and the broken window.

"I can better put that gun back in the drawer. I will not need it after my sleep, hopefully." Alice thought. She picked up the pistol and at the moment she touched it her headache came back, like a bullet making impact.

"Aaargh! How is that possible?! It hurts so much, why is the morphine not working?!" Alice said out loud with a painful tone. She crumbled in with her hands on her head she tried to focus and calm herself from the pain an panic. Only a few seconds later she heard something. It came from downstairs. It sounded like footsteps. Someone was in her house. With her headache already back she picked up the pistol which weirdly increased the pain a little more. She took another morphine pill and putted them away.

"I cannot take one of those anymore for the next couple of hours." She told herself.

Alice raised the gun and walked slowly to the staircase. She look down from it but nothing was there. Slowly she walked down the stairs and kept herself alerted for any weird creature, monster of human that could be in her house. As Alice reached her living room her headache instantly increased, it felt like a knife was stabbing in the back of her head. Alice turned around and saw the manifestation again. Alice staggered a little bit back out of fear.

"Are you going to shoot me again?" The manifestation asked. The voice sounded the same as Alice her voice but only with a darker and more hollow tone.

"You are not me, you are a nightmare that follows me." Alice said to the manifestation.

"I am you, you just don't get it yet. You sister tasked you with something isn't it?" The manifestation asked with a dark smile on her it's face. Alice aimed the pistol at the head of the manifestation and pulled back the hammer.

"Do not...talk about her...or I will shoot you in your other eye." Alice said with an emotional but angry voice.

"So you are going to shoot yourself for the third time?"

"I have never shot myself only you!" Alice replied

"You still don't know, it really did damage you."


Alice noticed that it was getting darker around the manifestation.

"Come, I will show you the truth." The manifestation said and it started moving toward Alice.

Alice took a step back out of panic and fired her pistol twice. The two rounds made impact on the heating appliance which causes it to burst. The manifestation was hit by the hot steam which was coming from the busted heating appliance. The manifestation screamed in pain and Alice ran for the door. She quickly took the flashlight from the drawer and opened the door to the outside. She ran with no goal ahead other than to get as far away form that thing as possible. Alice look behind her and saw the manifestation walking behind her and the world around the it turned in darkness. Alice ran from the manifestation, as fast as she could. The darkness was pursuing her but Alice ran fast enough to stay in the greyish light of Silent Hill.

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