A Dreadful Discovery

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As Alice woke up, she was still a little bit blinded from the bright light before. Her headache was almost unbearable but her morphine was gone. Everything was gone except for her cloths. Alice stood up and looked around her.

"I'm....back at my school?" Alice thought out loud. She indeed woke up back at Silent Hill Elementary, not knowing what was going on. Alice looked around and started walking to her own classroom. As she passed the other classrooms she noticed that none of them where in use. The school was completely empty.

"Nothing changed since I left." Alice told herself.

She walked slowly to her hallway and then a flash appeared. The grey world was colourful again and children were everywhere laughing. Alice stood still and was looking around her. The grey fearful world was gone but the children didn't noticed Alice. As if she wasn't exciting. The school bell sounded and the children started to walking towards their classrooms. A flash appeared and Alice was back into the grey world of Silent Hill.

"Was that...a flashback...or a vision?" Alice was wondering.

She moved on her classroom, she turned around the corner and another vision appeared. She was back in the normal world and Alice could see the classroom door and also her children. Then a loud bang sounded trough the hallways. The sound of a gunshot to be more accurate and the vision disappeared. Alice looked around and noticed that the grey world was turning into darkness again. Slowly but it was happening. Alice increased her pacing to her classroom. But just a few metres before she was at her door a vision appeared. Alice stopped dead in her tracks. Children where entering the classroom and Alice could hear screams and crying coming from inside. She walked slowly towards the classroom with her headache increasing as she moved closer. When she entered the room, she was shocked. Children were crying and screaming for help. Calling for her teacher to wake up. Alice saw herself, with a gunshot wound to her head and a pistol in her hand.

"No....This can't be....I haven't killed myself..." Alice told herself in panic. As she said this the world turned darker. The children turned into the eyeless, monstrous children Alice found in the darkness and the body stood up and became the Manifestation. Alice took some steps back.

"Now you know the truth...Alice." The Manifestation said to her.

"No! It can't be!" Alice answered.

"You were so depressed with the dead of your sister. With your ex-boyfriend who tried to rape you. You couldn't see a way out of the depression so you ended it!"

"No I didn't! I was not happy with my life but I certainly wasn't depressed enough to kill myself, AAARGH!" Alice fell to the ground as her headache became worse in a second.

"Yes you have, your headaches are the result of your suicide. You head trauma in this world....your "second change" as you can call it, is converted to headaches that cannot be suppressed with medication. Well not fully suppressed." The Manifestation told Alice

"I remember. All the depression, all the pain and suffering. I remember." Alice said to the Manifestation.

A vision appeared and the world turned grey again. Alice stood up and saw herself sitting before her desk in her classroom. The Alice behind the desk opened her bag and pulled a pistol out. She was looking at it for a time, confused and hesitated. Then she putted it against her with her finger on the trigger looking at the ticking clock in front of her. Alice her headache increased and suddenly she was on the chair behind the desk with the pistol beside her head. Alice hesitated but made a clear choice....

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