|chapter seven|

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"It is a grave offense against Malek to keep the belongings of a dead loved one. They belong in the beyond with the god of death and the departed. In the absence of a proper temple, any fire will do. He who does not burn for Malek will be burned by Malek."



I was beginning to think that Violet might survive this place until it came time to train for the Gauntlet.

     After the first day of the training Violet, Rhiannon, and I find ourselves lying on our cots staring up at the ceiling. Speaking for myself, the Gauntlet wasn't what I expected. It was...less challenging than the ones my trainers prepared for me when I was younger. I made it up with little difficulty, having one of the fastest times in our Squad, not that the time matters in the practice rounds. 

     Though, I didn't leave without any scraps and bruises. While climbing up the chimney for the last obstacle, I lost my grip on the edge of it, falling down and landing on my ankle weirdly, and running up the chimney a second time didn't make it any better. The way it's throbbing right now probably means it's sprained or twisted.  

     "Anyone else think that the Gauntlet will be the death of them?" Violet asks as she groans into her pillow. "Because I do. I couldn't even make it halfway today."

     "You will," Rhiannon reassures. "One day, you'll be able to do it. And we'll bond badass dragons and be a part of the big kids."

     Violet chuckles, but it quickly dies off as a few other girls bring a box full of Aurelie's stuff to be burned. I gulp, remembering her scream as she fell to her death on the Gauntlet. It isn't right, any of this. She was the one who was excited about the Gauntlet and she was the only one—so far—to die from it. 

     "There's nothing we can do to quell this feeling in us except move on," I say, only loudly enough for Violet and Rhiannon to hear. "This is what Riders do. They see death every day and they move on. There was nothing we could have done, and we must accept that."

     "We?" Violet spits, rising to a sitting position to glare at me. "I'm beginning to think you've already moved on. You're talking about this like it was nothing. One of our Squadmates died for gods sake!"

     I close my eyes and imagine a field of wildflowers before standing from my cot. "Because that's the life of a dragon rider." I gave her a soft smile that seemed to only make her mood fouler. "If you need me, I'll be in the gym," I sigh as I grab my gym bag and walk out of the women's hall. I hated leaving her when she was clearly wallowing in guilt, but there was nothing I could do to help her if she didn't help herself first.

     The corridor was oddly empty at this time, the few cadets occupying the space looked to be heading back from training. I pass by the gym and instead opt for a more scenic view of the Iakobos River in the forest. The sun is nearing sunset with an hour or so of daylight left in the day by the time I make it to the edge of the forest. I glance behind me to see if anyone is near before I duck under the protection of the trees. I follow the sound of the rushing water of the Iakobos River until I reach the shoreline. On the edge of a river, there is a fawn drinking from the river, unaware of my presence. I sit near the shoreline, take out my sketchbook and a piece of charcoal, and begin sketching what I see. 

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