|get to know the characters|

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[a little break from the story]


|violet's likes|

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|violet's likes|

- sunny and windy days

- a library with lots of books

- braiding hair

- climbing trees

- playing hide-and-seek

- hot tea and biscuits

- daggers

-poisoning her opponents

- history

- fields of violet flowers

|violet's dislikes|

- stormy days

- the infirmary

- small critters

- math and science

- running and strength training

- swords

- messy handwriting

- tangled hair

- cheese

- loud noises


|liam's likes|

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|liam's likes|

- dusk before the sun comes up

- rushing rivers

- early morning runs

- carving wooden figures

- training

- cooking

- cartography

- writing letters to his little sister

- lemon tarts

- hot water with lemon

|liam's dislikes|

- hot and sunny days

- awkward situations

- being rushed

- bow and arrow

- burnt food

- whining dogs

- cleaning

- being tired

- people who don't listen

- sweetened water

|liam & violet|

|liam & violet|

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Wild and Out of ControlWhere stories live. Discover now