Chapter - 10

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I finally updated! The lack of motivation I have for any of my stories is crazy..I really need to start posting more often.

Anyways, this was rushed and I deeply apologize if the grammar or spelling makes absolutely no sense.

That's all. On the story!

(Hours later after the little quarrel Tanjiro and Muichiro had.)

Muichiros pov:

When Tanjiro went to sleep I started getting ready to head out I left a note on the kitchen counter telling Tanjiro that I went out for a walk and that I'll be back in a bit if he ever woke up to find that I'm gone. In truths I was so pissed off on what happened today that I needed to burn off some self esteem. By letting off some steam I mean to get rid of the problem that started this..

I put on my sweater and slid on my shoes and headed out, locking the door behind me quietly. I followed the direction where that girl went. I managed to find her house and she wasn't living alone there were two more girls, one with the same butterfly hair clips and long black hair while the other girl has short black hair faded into purple with a different butterfly hair clip. "I guess these bitches are my targets..." I thought to myself as I waited for the right time.

When the lights in their house turned off I knew it was time to act, when everything was silent I snuck in through the window and that was when I saw her sleeping peacefully in her bed.

"How do you feel after doing what you did to my lover.." I whispered to myself before pulling out a knife and prepared to stab her but she woke up and turned on the light but I quickly broke the lamp before she could get a glimpse of me. Then I pounced at her covering her mouth so she wouldnt be able to scream.

"I'll ask you this simple question..Who are you and what relationship do you have with Tanjiro..?" I whispered to her as I slowly began to uncover her mouth.

"You're that bitch that took Tanjiro from me, aren't you!? I was supposed to be his girlfriend!" She yelled catching me off guard and putting me into a choke hold but I was stronger than her and stabbed her so she'd let go of me.

She obviously screamed and that practically woke up the whole neighborhood. I was getting tired of the screaming so I took her out of her misery. Just as I thought I was done the other two girls came in and tried to attack me. The taller one lunged at me with a knife but I dodge and knocked her out but the shorter one held me at gun point.

"Drop your weapon!" she yelled loading her gun.

I slowly put down my knife and put my hands up to show that there's nothing else in my hand.

She pulled out her phone and began to call the police but that left an opening for me. Before she could shoot I ducked down quickly grabbed my knife and stabbed her leg causing her to fall and groan in pain before knocking her out and taking the gun from her. I knew I should've killed them but my main mission was to get rid of the one with the terrible side ponytail.

I just left them the way they were and decided to head back home to my lovely Tanjiro.




By the time I got home the lights were out. "Tanjiros still asleep.." I sighed in relief as I headed up stairs but suddenly the bedroom lights turned on and Tanjiro ran out of the room looking worried until he laid eyes on me.

"Muichiro! I got so scared I thought you left for good!" He sighed before pulling me into a hug. I of course hugged him back.

"Why would I do that..? is it because of what happened today?" I asked him as he nodded in reply. I chuckled a bit before pulling away from the hug and kissing his cheek gently, "I just left for a little stroll that's all.. Now come on let's head back to bed together," I added as I took his hand and headed back into the room. I changed into my Pajamas and cuddled into bed with Tanjiro but I felt uneasy like I was still mad.

~I Hate You But I Still Love You~(Muichiro Yandere x Tanjiro)Where stories live. Discover now