chapter 3

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Nobodys pov:
After that day tanjiro went to go live with nezuko tanjiro couldnt bring himself to date anyone at the moment in his life right now he was just so upset that muichiro was a yandere and was now in prison. Tanjiro never came out of his after what happend when he went to live with nezuko but she would still give him food.

Nezukos pov:
This is bad onii-chan never left his room in a while I wonder if he even ate im getting really worried.

Did he love muichiro that much?

Even if he did im sorry but the crimes that he did tanjiro he is gonna be in prison for quite some long time.

Tanjiros pov:
Its been like 3 weeks since I have moved here its feels lonely and weird because I usually wake up every morning with muichiro by my side. I didnt do anything but stay in this room I should probably get out and help nezuko. I do take showers cause there is a bathroom in here but I bet nezuko is trying to get rid of it so I would get out of this room.

I decided to take a shower and get ready for the day after showering I put my clothes on and walked out the room. Nezuko was so happy to see me she littarly flew into my arms and to be honest I was happy to see her to. "Im sorry nezuko." I said in "You dont have to apologize about anything, I dont entirely understand how you feel but loosing someone that you loved alot must be very painful." Nezuko said

I dont now what I'd do without her she always know how to cheer me up. " Thanks, and by the way do you need me to do anything for you." I said wanting a excuse to leave to house I think nezuko understood the assignment and said " ya I was about to ho grocery shopping but I also have to visit mom so can you go?" She asked me I obviously said yes and ran towards the front door to put on my shoes then I ran outside.

Nezukos pov:
Im so glad tanjiro finally came out of his room its been how many weeks? Ah whatever I have to get ready to visit mom I walked towards the front door put on my shoes then left after locking the door and I was on my way. I took the bus to the neighborhood mom and the others lived and walked the rest of the way to her house.

I knocked on the door and mom opened it. " Nezuko! What a surprise, if your wondering where your siblings are they're at school com in come in." She said as she was pushing me inside. " So how have youve been doing?" I asked " I've been doing good honey how about you?" She asked back. I didnt want to tell her about the incident that happened with muichiro and tanjiro and me I didnt want to worry her so I said I was doing good.

" So how has tanjiro been?" She asked. Told her that he was doing good she smiled " Im gald both of my children are doing great." She said after a few more ours passed I got a call from the police? I told my mom that I had a very important call to take I didnt tell her who the caller was. When I answered my faced darkend when they told me the shocking news " mu-mui-muichiro escaped..." I stutterd then I realized " TANJIRO!" I yelled " What happened what about tanjiro?" Mom asked with a worried face " Ill tell you when I get bacm with tanjiro!" I said as I ran out the house

tanjiro please be safe.....

Tanjiros pov:
As I left the store with the grocerys I felt uneasy like something or someone is watching me. I didnt feel safe so I started speed walking and I still the presences but where? I couldn't smell the person out so they know how to hide there presences but the only person who knew how to do that was....

Oh no. I started running as fast as I could trying to make it to nezukos house I then looked behind me and I knew it. It was him I kept running and running then I finally made it to nezukos house I ran in and slammed the door shut while locking it at the same time. I backed away from the door slowly and then ran to the kitchen to put the grocerys down some where and grabbed a weapon just in case nezuko is still at mom's so I have to defend myself.

Muichiros pov:
I need to do a better job at hiding my presences next time but there wont be a next time cause tanjiro will be all mine once in have him all to myself. As I walked to nezukos house I noticed that its locked "damnit." I whispered to myself but then I realized I had a spare key to her house tanjiro gave it to me for a gift just in case. I unlocked the door and walked in slowly and quietly I could tell that he was in the kitchen so I walked into the kitchen when I walked to the doorway of the kitchen I see tanjros beautiful face again. Oh how I missed his cute and beautiful face.

" Hi love." I said with a smile " dont call me that." He said with a scared and yet serious look on his face " but you never said that we where over? So why so mad?" I asked " YOU LITTARY KILLED PEOPLE!" He yelled at me I ran up to him so fast that he didnt have time to react I grabbed the knife from his hand and threw it. And then slapped him he fell to the ground with teary eyes " Dont ever yell at me again." I said while grabbing him by his arm he whimpers in pain I must be holding his arm very hard but this will teach him a lesson. " why tanjiro... why did you let me go?"
" Because YOUR A MONSTER" he yelled again I slapped him again and gripped harder on his arm he yelped in pain " what did I say about yelling at me?" I said " I-Im sorry p-please le-let go it hurts." He cried I stared for a while then let go.

Tanjiros pov:
Why...what happened to you muichiro you used to be so nice and so kind what happened.

~I Hate You But I Still Love You~(Muichiro Yandere x Tanjiro)Where stories live. Discover now