Intro Song

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Swift Wind flies out of the Whispering Woods and past Adora, who is watching a ray of light coming out of the ground, and Swift Wind circles back around.

We're on the edge of greatness

It then shows Glimmer, Bow, and Y/n running towards her from behind. Glimmer teleported to her side, Bow ran over and wrapped an arm over her shoulder and back, and Y/n climbed up her and sat on her shoulders while holding his signature toy train.

Turning darkness to light
We're right beside you

Adora raises her sword up, and the gem stone in the rain guard shimmering. It transitions to wavy, glowing, blonde hair before it moves out of the way, revealing Adora in She-Ra form, making a piercing motion with her sword.

Ready to fight
We're gonna win in the end!

It transitions from Mermista diving with a wave as her legs turn into a mermaid's tale, to Frosta moving ice shards in the air, to giant flowers blooming out of the ground and open to reveal Perfuma, to Entrapta with her wielding mask on and her hair holding various tools, before her hair lifts up her mask and gives a smile to the viewers/readers.

We must be strong
And we must be brave
We must be brave

It shows Scoripa, Kyle, Lonnie, and Rogelio before the camera pans upwards, revealing Lord Horadak, Shadow Weaver, and Catra. It then shows Catra and Adora duking it out. Catra smirks as she pushes Adora back, stumbling a bit. Adora looks behind him to see Glimmer, Bow, and Y/n on Glimmer's shoulders, pulling stuff out of the hammerspace of his waistcoat pockets.

We gotta find every bit of strength
That we have and never let it go

The group of four posed: Adora, holding her sword in the air, Glimmer summoning a ball of sparkles, Bow ready to shoot an arrow, and Y/n holding his toy train with the biggest smile on his face with his pie-cut eyes closed. Everyone else, that is apart of the rebellion posed behind them, with the title card in the top left corner of the screen.

We must be strong

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2023 ⏰

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