Prologue//Season Two//

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Bite my tongue, bide my time.
Wearing a warning sign...
Wait 'til the world is mine!
Visions I vandalize...

Cold in my kingdom size...

Fell for these ocean eyes!



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In the shadows of the moonlit sea,

A tale unfolds of grief and anarchy.

Rory, with a heart heavy as the tide,

In rebellion, her emotions cannot hide.

John B, lost to the ocean's embrace,

A tragic departure, a brother's last trace.

With Sarah, they fled, chased by the night,

Accused falsely, they vanished from sight.

A month has passed, a somber decree,

Rory's tears lost in the vast, wild sea.

Her heartache echoes in the island breeze,

As she rides the streets on her skateboard with ease.

The town whispers of a girl gone astray,

A tempest of defiance in Rory's display.

A trail of chaos in her wild, tear-stained wake,

She skates through the pain, her own heartache.

JJ, her partner in rebellion and strife,

Kie and Pope, woven into this tale of life.

Together they sought to free John B,

Yet, destiny carved a different decree.

News arrived, a cruel, bitter blow,

John B lost to the currents below.

Rory's world shattered, dreams washed away,

Yet, in her veins, defiance held sway.

She spray paints truths on walls so bare,

Messages of unrest, cries of despair.

"Fear the youth who won't be confined,

For John B's spirit, we shall remind."

Skating through streets of sorrow and disdain,

Rory seeks justice, fuelled by the pain.

A symphony of chaos, a rebellion's song,

In every stroke of paint, John B's memory strong.

"Fuck being civilized," the graffiti screams,

A sister's outcry in the moonlit dreams.

"We're the kids your parents warned you about,"

Echoes through alleys, a rebellious shout.

"Rich man's war, poor man's blood," she scrawls,

In the dark corners where the nightfall falls.

"Revolution!" etched on the walls of fate,

Rory's rebellion, her grief's innate.

Through the streets, she rides with a heavy heart,

A skater's rhythm, a form of art.

In the echoes of chaos, John B's spirit lives,

A sister's love, rebellion forgives.


~Prologue// season two//

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~Prologue// season two//

hello, my sweet dearest readers

here's a small piece of the chaos that's gonna unfold in the new season of 'CATCHING THW WAVES~ JJ MAYBANK' a fanfiction based on the hit Netflix show called "OUTER BANKS"

hope you all liked this small poetry/ prologue. 

stay tuned...

enjoy the adventure :)

happy reading ahead!!



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